California’s Broader Protection Orders Likely Won’t Stand Up, Even After Rahimi

judge gavel

The [Rahimi] decision, however, does not validate all restraining order statutes. Consider, for instance, California Code of Civil Procedure § 527.6; that statute authorizes “harassment restraining orders” based on “clear and convincing evidence” of “harassment,” which includes not just “unlawful violence” or “a credible threat of violence,” but also (emphasis added) a knowing and willful course […]

After Rahimi, Bruen Remains Tanned, Rested, and Ready for Future Cases

gun store rifles assault weapons

By focusing on Rahimi’s “dangerous” conduct, the high court did not foreclose a series of other challenges to federal disarmament laws already pending at the Supreme Court, including one related to Hunter Biden’s felony gun case. One of those cases that has been appealed to the justices centers on a Mississippi man who is challenging a […]

The Contorted Rahimi Ruling Didn’t Damage Bruen as Anti-Gunners Had Hoped

Supreme Court

Today’s narrow Supreme Court decision in Rahimi failed to produce the damage the anti-gun crowd hoped for against Bruen. The Bruen decision remains intact and will continue to be an important building block necessary to continue winning firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time.  None of the justices in the Bruen majority cast aside the […]