Lies, Misinformation, and Deception: The Trace Podcast Does DGUs and CDC Research

trace podcast graphic in guns we trust

In our first installment of a critical analysis of the anti-gun propaganda podcast series from The Trace, we covered the lies, misinformation, and deceptive emotional arguments made in the first four episodes. Here, we will delve into the fifth episode, which continues the previous format, but adds embarrassing incidents where The Trace contradicts itself in an […]

Tape of Purported 2009 NRA Treasurer Conversation Could Be a Curve Ball for the Defense

Occasionally, what happens outside a courtroom can affect the events playing out inside a courtroom. That would appear to be the case in the ongoing battle between the State of New York and the National Rifle Association. Yesterday, ProPublica a “nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power” released an article (in conjunction with The Trace, the Bloomberg-funded group of anti-gun […]