Reality Check: Just Having a Gun Isn’t Enough in Today’s America

range train mindset

“Well, I have a gun, so I think I’m ready.” Such was the response of one gentleman during a recent group conversation regarding the potential for civil unrest, a la the summer of 2020 when America’s cities were burned in a “mostly peaceful” manner. Sadly, that’s not the first time I have heard such a […]

The Fighting Shotgun: A Tool for Professionals, Not Amateurs

In September of 2019, several armed men, dressed in black, broke into a home outside of Houston. One of the residents ran for cover and the other grabbed a shotgun and exchanged gunfire with the home invaders. The score of the encounter: one resident wounded, three felons DOA. Apparently the homeowner hadn’t read any articles […]

Protection and Preparedness Choices: An Interview With Paul Markel

Paul Markel’s byline is familiar to many of our readers. Over the years, he’s written a number of features for the Wires and here at Shooting News Weekly on a variety of subjects. He’s runs Student of the Gun and has also written a number of books, including Beyond the Boo Boo: Traumatic Medical Training […]

Wargaming the Apocalypse: 4 Steps for Being Ready if the SHTF

Wargaming the Apocalypse violent protest riot chaos societal collapse SHTF

We would hope that the crash of AT&T services on Thursday 2/22/24 served as a wakeup call or at least as a lesson for the American masses. We are far too reliant on technology that can break down at a moment’s notice. The first cover story for the incident was a solar flare, but that […]

Traumatic Medical Training: What Is It Going To Take?

“Who put that tourniquet on him?” asked the Trauma Doctor in the ER waiting room, to which the driver replied, “Brad did.” “Well, you can tell Brad that if he had not done that, he (the victim) would be dead now.”  That exchange was between an ER doctor and the person who drove the victim […]