Action in the Courts: The Fate of the NRA and SCOTUS on Bump Stocks

This past weekend was essentially consumed by the parsing, interpreting, and spinning of New York Attorney General Letitia James’ numerous wins against the National Rifle Association and three former/current corporate officers. After a six-week trial and a week of reportedly contentious deliberations, the jury found that, as alleged in the NY AG’s case, longtime NRA […]

NRA On Trial: It’s In the Jury’s Hands Now

With apologies to the reader who angrily asked “Why are you so consumed with the NRA?” and threatened to unsubscribe if we persisted in writing about it, it seems there’s no relief in sight, at least not for the immediate future. The jury hasn’t returned a verdict in the New York trial, and the story […]

NRA On Trial: The Process Nears the Home Stretch

Barring something unforeseen, the trial that pits the State of New York against the National Rifle Association will go to the jury sometime today. After six weeks of allegations and responses, the jury will be given their final charge by Judge Joel Cohen and sent into deliberate the fate of the organization and the three […]

The NRA On Trial: Figuring Out What Comes Next

While the NRA continues its legal struggles, attention has, finally, been diverted from that slow-speed train crash long enough to ask the big question: what happens if the NRA doesn’t survive? Not the trial, the loss of confidence and contributions from former members who are too-disillusioned to risk supporting the organization whose leadership seems determined […]

Yesterday Was a Busy Day Around the Gun World

Wednesday was an auspicious day. It was, at the very least, a new beginning of sorts for two of the outdoors’ most influential organizations. Yesterday marked the closing of what has likely been the most contentious time in the history of the National Rifle Association; the tenure of Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre. It also […]

NRA Dissidents are Working Thwart an Alleged Scheme by LaPierre Loyalists

  While most attention is focused on the Manhattan courtroom where Judge Joel Cohen and a six-person jury will decide the fates and futures of all the defendants in New York state’s case against the National Rifle Association, another group of NRA members are working behind the scenes to help chart a new course forward […]

The Reckoning: A Lot of Apologies are Owed by a Lot of NRA Diehards

New York Supreme Court Courthouse Manhattan

  One reason more people aren’t outraged at the costs of many things — from supercars to government entitlement programs — is our inability to grasp the enormity of the numbers that are routinely tossed around. A million dollar supercar and a billion dollar government program may elicit the same response simply because we’re not […]

Tape of Purported 2009 NRA Treasurer Conversation Could Be a Curve Ball for the Defense

Occasionally, what happens outside a courtroom can affect the events playing out inside a courtroom. That would appear to be the case in the ongoing battle between the State of New York and the National Rifle Association. Yesterday, ProPublica a “nonprofit newsroom that investigates abuses of power” released an article (in conjunction with The Trace, the Bloomberg-funded group of anti-gun […]

NRA on Trial: The Wheels of Justice Grind Slowly

law & order

  NEW YORK CITY – Covering a trial, civil or criminal, isn’t the exciting stuff you might imagine from watching Law and Order or a similar crime show. I use L&O as an example because it was filming just up the street from 60 Centre Street where the National Rifle Association case is being heard. During the […]

NRA Trial Day Two: The Defendants Make Their Cases

NEW YORK CITY – Day two of the State of New York v, National Rifle Association started with the opening statements from the defense’s side of the aisle. Statements — plural — is the operative word as the NRA and each of the code defendants, minus Josh Powell, also made the cases for their individual […]