Shooting Straight: Ding Dong, is the NRA Dead?

i defend the nra banner

Some people just want to watch the gun world burn, and that sentiment isn’t limited only to those within the firearms industry or the gun world in general. At this point, the general vibe and feel around NRAAM 2024 has been hashed and re-hashed until the proverbial horse isn’t just dead, it’s been obliterated. So […]

Mixed Bag: NRA Board Reformers Win Some, Lose Some in Leadership Elections

NRA 2024 Dallas logo

The reformers on the National Rifle Association’s Board of Directors went for broke in yesterday’s Board of Directors meeting. They also went hours longer than anyone ever imagined possible. The result: the reform movement lost one key slot, but won three others.  One observer told me to think of it like baseball, not football. In […]