OSD: The Cargill Ruling Makes Eventually Taking Down the NFA Look Problematic

machine gun belt fed

Antonin Scalia once described the presumption against ineffectiveness as “the idea that Congress presumably does not enact useless laws”. (He probably intended that to be read half-sarcastically.) The point is that courts should not interpret a law in a way that nullifies the law’s goal. In this case, Sotomayor uses that to suggest that courts should […]

What Today’s Ruling in Cargill Means for the 2A and Other Gun-Related Cases

Supreme Court SCOTUS

As Dan’s initial post reported, in an opinion by the ever-reliable Justice Clarence Thomas, the Supreme Court drop-kicked the ATF’s reinterpretation of the National Firearms Act, depositing it on the ash heap of history. However, for those of you looking for another expansion of Second Amendment rights, you won’t find it here. Garland v. Cargill is and always […]