Better Gear Doesn’t Make You a Good Shooter…But it Definitely Doesn’t Hurt

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by ShootingNewsWeekly (@shootingnewsweekly) “A poor carpenter blames his tools.” “It’s not the arrow, it’s the Indian.” We’ve all heard those old aphorisms and they’re generally true. For the most part. But that doesn’t mean that having good tools — and knowing what to do with […]

El Ciervo Trofeo or Changing My Mindset for My First Mexican Hunt

By Jay Pinsky “I’m holding out for a 140+ buck.” That was my mindset heading down to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico, where I booked a hunt with Sirius Outdoors. Looking back, I should have said nothing. Why? Because if I settled for a 140+ buck, it would have robbed me of a far greater trophy. Sirius […]