Surgeon General Cites Fake Mass Shooting Data to Justify ‘Public Health Crisis’ Claim

Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

United States Surgeon General Vivek Murthy declared that “gun violence” constitutes a public health crisis Tuesday but cited fake mass-shooting data from the long-debunked Gun Violence Archive to support his spurious claims.  Murthy presented his finding in a 40-page Surgeon General advisory, titled “Firearm Violence: A Public Health Crisis in America.” “While mass shooting deaths […]

Hemenway: When it Comes to Guns, the World Goes One Way and America Goes the Other

david hemenway

Gun laws have become much weaker in the United States. In most other countries, when there’s a big mass shooting, it’s a time to examine your gun laws and make them stronger. Australia did that and has been incredibly successful in terms of reducing gun violence. New Zealand did that more recently. The United Kingdom did […]