Faria: Bump Stocks Are Just the Latest Shiny Object for Anti-Gun Democrats

The Democratic Party’s incoherence on gun control leads to politicians chasing the next shiny object for regulation with little regard for how to seriously address the issues they claim they are handling. Senate Democrats attempted to push through a bump stock ban by unanimous consent, which predictably failed and will turn into yet another gun control talking point for […]

Anti-Gun Politicians Step Up SCOTUS Attacks As 2A Cases, Election Loom

Dick Durbin Sheldon Whitehouse SCOTUS Supreme Court

By Shelby Baird Smith There’s a troubling trend by certain politicians to salt the ground at the U.S. Supreme Court before more significant firearm-related cases can be argued and decided. Politicians are disparaging the justices in an attempt to politicize the Court and delegitimize its decisions, even before arguments are heard. It’s unfolding in the […]