OSD: The Cargill Ruling Makes Eventually Taking Down the NFA Look Problematic

machine gun belt fed

Antonin Scalia once described the presumption against ineffectiveness as “the idea that Congress presumably does not enact useless laws”. (He probably intended that to be read half-sarcastically.) The point is that courts should not interpret a law in a way that nullifies the law’s goal. In this case, Sotomayor uses that to suggest that courts should […]

SCOTUS Will Hear Arguments in Case Challenging Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Tomorrow

Slide Fire bump stock

The same Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives that had repeatedly told [Slide Fire bump stock inventor Jeremiah] Cottle between 2008 and 2017 that his bump stocks were not illegal “machine guns” did an about-face after the Vegas massacre. At the direction of then-President Donald Trump, and backed by the National Rifle Association, the […]