After Rahimi, Bruen Remains Tanned, Rested, and Ready for Future Cases

gun store rifles assault weapons

By focusing on Rahimi’s “dangerous” conduct, the high court did not foreclose a series of other challenges to federal disarmament laws already pending at the Supreme Court, including one related to Hunter Biden’s felony gun case. One of those cases that has been appealed to the justices centers on a Mississippi man who is challenging a […]

Biden Forgets That Trump Banned Bump Stocks in New Anti-Gun Campaign Commercial

biden bump stocks

  “When Trump was president— children gunned down in classrooms, innocent people killed in church and massacred at a concert. Still, Trump did nothing,” Biden said in the ad. “He sided with the NRA, but I sided with you. I’ve expanded background checks, created an office of gun violence prevention, and now murder rates are […]

Kennedy Embarrasses Another Anti-Gun Judicial Nominee on Assault Weapons Definition

Biden judge: “Assault weapons may be banned because they’re extraordinary dangers and are not appropriate for legitimate self-defense purposes.” The same Biden judge: “I am not a gun expert.” — John Kennedy (@SenJohnKennedy) March 20, 2024 U.S. District Judge Nancy Maldonado of the Northern District of Illinois faced some uncomfortable moments as President Biden’s pick for […]