OSD: Americans Need to Spread Our Gun Culture to Other Countries

Wikipedia Europe European gun carry laws

Europe — more gun-friendly than people think! Buying a handgun in most European countries is roughly the same difficulty as buying one in New York. Buying a modern semi-auto rifle in most European countries is easier than in most American AWB states (although buying a ban-compliant design in an AWB state is easier than the European process to […]

Interview: Wake Forest Sociologist Professor David Yamane on America’s Gun Culture

David Yamane is a sociology professor at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and has become an internationally recognized authority on America’s gun culture. He’s also become a gun guy and takes students in his Sociology of Guns class to the range every year to shoot (GASP!) an AR-15 rifle. He writes at guncurious.com […]

Bellesiles 2.0: Meet Princeton Sociologist Megan Kang

Megan Kang

Americans own guns. They’ve always owned guns, even before they were officially Americans. The British subjects who lived on this continent back in the 18th Century eventually used their guns to help expel British soldiers and establish what would become the greatest nation the world has ever known. What makes America great is that our nation […]

Steiner: America’s Protection of Gun Rights is Modern Idolatry

gun control protest sign

[P]olitical forces use the falsehood of the gun culture to stay in power. They are aided by gun manufacturers, lobbyists, and the culture warriors who abide in the gun mythos. These are formidable forces. …Christian Nationalism, with its strong support for the Second Amendment, originates in white supremacy. Its supporters’ identification of Christianity with the […]

Spiers: America’s Toxic Gun Culture ‘Primes’ School Shooters

‘Good parents model healthy interactions all the time. If their kids are struggling with a sense of inferiority or are having trouble dealing with failure, we teach them self-confidence and resilience. Parents who treat guns as a mechanism for feeling more significant and powerful are modeling an extremely dangerous way to interact with their environment. […]