CMP Announces CMP-Branded Tisas M1911A1 Pistols

CMP Tisas M1911A1 pistol

I got wind of this at SHOT and talked about it in our 2024 show coverage, and now the guns are shipping. As I mention in that piece, a lot of folks either can’t afford, or aren’t happy with the prices of the original GI issue M1911A1’s that CMP is offering. Even for folks who […]

The Wyoming Arms Parker: A Gun So Ugly, Not Even A Mother Could Love It

I like guns. So much so that I even like the first generation Smith & Wesson Sigma. But the Wyoming Arms Parker .45 Pistol is one gun that’s hard to love. I don’t know if it’s the Cowboy State’s barren emptiness, the relative lack of trees, or the whipping Wyoming winds that drive men insane. […]