SHOT 2025: Mountain Billy Gun Lab 22 LR Miniature AR-15s

Billed as the lightest semi-auto rifle in the world, the GOAT-15 from Mountain Billy Gun Lab is a scaled-down AR-15 in nearly every aspect. All of their GOAT-15 models weigh under three pounds — at least one model is under 2 lbs! — and they all fire 22 LR and feature a patented safety designed for youth shooting sports.

With their light weight, 22 LR chambering, and threaded barrels these look like super fun guns for rimfire competition and for training new shooters and youth shooters. We’ll work on getting our hands on one for testing to see how they shoot and run! In the meantime, more information can be found at the Mountain Billy Gun Lab website HERE.


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3 thoughts on “SHOT 2025: Mountain Billy Gun Lab 22 LR Miniature AR-15s”

  1. well done. a blow back ar is just about the only rimfire i don’t want (exception, the internally suppressed one which i can’t have). this is cute and fun more appropriate for the caliber. kids would gravitate to this.

    1. I Haz A Question

      Remember Gavin Newsom’s conniption a couple of years ago over the then-new “JR-15” youth model, also chambered in .22LR and marketed as a size-appropriate gun for training minors in operation and safety?

  2. Just picked up a Helium to augment the training rifle collection (Savage Youth Rifle, and 2 Chipmunks) for use by the grandchildren. I am so impressed by the quality and thoughtfulness of the design of this rifle. The second selector (right side) with very young child lockout is very welcome. I also like the 1 round training magazine as well as the 10 round magazine.