When prosecutors in Democrat-controlled states refuse to charge trespassers, rioters, petty criminals, and radical insurrectionists who construct illegal encampments and occupy buildings on college campuses their crimes go unrecorded in the crime stats. The political activists who harassed and besieged the homes of conservative Supreme Court Justices whose rulings they disagreed with violated federal law, but they were allowed to persist by politically-motivated Democrat officials in Washington.
The Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to bear arms for whatever reason he or she desires. While the number of guns in this country has more than doubled in the past 30 years, the decrease in the homicide rate over that period indicates that law-abiding Americans intend those guns for justifiable personal defense or deterrence, as well as for hunting or sport shooting. These days, you’re taking on undue risk by not owning one. Those intent on crime will legally or illegally obtain guns regardless of gun control laws that unreasonably burden the rest of us.
— Mike Rosen in Surgeon General misleads on gun violence
Totally OT but big-gun related, and cool AF, a Chinese guy built an extremely-immersive multi-crew tank simulator that uses full 2-liter bottles of soda as simulated tank ammo, to play ‘World of Tanks’. The tank cannon he built is impressive as hell, with a metal breech mechanism that simulates recoil. The loader has to get into a loading-reloading rhythm.
Check it out :
(The page title is wrong, he uses FULL soda bottles for his simulated shells)