The King Doesn’t Like It When You Defend Yourself (Or Keep Your Own House From Burning Down)

Open Source Defense tweet self-defense lese-mageste
Courtesy X

Self-defense is demonized because it embarrasses the state to rescue yourself when, with all their resources, they couldn’t rescue you.

Undermining the state monopoly on emergency services makes you guilty of lèse-majesté.

Open Source Defense

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13 thoughts on “The King Doesn’t Like It When You Defend Yourself (Or Keep Your Own House From Burning Down)”

  1. Now they’re using the equity talk to shame you for taking care of yourself when other people exist that can’t take of themselves. Also, you shouldn’t eat because people are starving in Africa, or something. Equity, man.

    Note to Dan: there are search engine alternatives to google. I’m shocked by how many right wingers still support google by using it as a verb. Just say search. I haven’t found viable alternatives to google Maps (not for navigation, but for aerial and street views), Earth, and to a lesser extent, YouTube. Other search engines are now “good enough” especially for simple tasks.

    1. trying to get my kids to break that lazy habit. too many alternatives.
      now verizon wants to go with googletext. last straw.

  2. give me a break. no one is criticizing hiring private help, the articles criticize the fact that it’s necessary to do so because government resources are tapped out

        1. money that was squandered elsewhere, the coffers were not tapped, their budget was. private contractors are going to whoevers paying.

        1. Start with the comments section of any given article and continue to their various alt media. Alternately read the typical MSM postings, eat the rich is back and given the new focus on high density housing for the areas effected re rebuild not at all surprising. Or you can just review Maui from a bit ago. Or be a contrarian unable (or unwilling) to put together basic information into a pattern. Based on your previous comments troll comes strongly to the forefront.

  3. There are two reasons why many members of the Ruling Class do NOT want you to take care of yourself.

    One: people who depend on government advance Ruling Class objectives. People who are self-sufficient tend to diminish many Ruling Class objectives. Hence the Ruling Class wants the populace to depend on government.

    Two: many of the Ruling Class get sick/sadistic thrills from degrading the masses and even facilitating destruction. Of course it is very difficult to degrade people who are self-sufficient–and similarly difficult to facilitate destruction when the masses are self-sufficient.

    1. source for this? every psa is telling people to prep for emergencies. people just ignore the messages. i’ve never seen a single government message telling people not to prep. lol.