Canada’s Post Office Announces It Won’t Be Part of Trudeau’s Gun Grab

Canada Post post office
The head of Canada Post says the Crown agency wants nothing to do with the Trudeau government’s gun grab, despite efforts by Ottawa to enlist the postal service in the “buy back” plan.Testifying before the House operations committee on Wednesday, Canada Post CEO Doug Ettinger said the Crown corporation had serious concerns over its involvement with the program, which would see firearms owners turn in their now-outlawed firearms to Canada Post locations.

“It’s my clear responsibility to keep our employees safe — and the public safe, because post offices are public locations,” Ettinger said during Wednesday evening’s committee meeting.

“We did an internal safety assessment, and we are not comfortable with the process that was being proposed in ongoing discussions over the past few months. Our position is that with the the elevated risk, we’re just not comfortable with it.”

Anticipated as a key partner in the Trudeau Liberals’ now four-year-long struggle to confiscate certain legally purchased firearms from licensed owners, Canada Post has publicly balked at being a part of the program.

In April, CBC News reported the Crown corporation would refuse to collect firearms banned under a 2020 order-in-council.

— Bryan Passifiume in Canada Post Wants No Part of Trudeau Liberals’ Gun Grab: CEO

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4 thoughts on “Canada’s Post Office Announces It Won’t Be Part of Trudeau’s Gun Grab”

  1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

    “Testifying before the House operations committee on Wednesday, Canada Post CEO Doug Ettinger said the Crown corporation had serious concerns over its involvement with the program, which would see firearms owners turn in their now-outlawed firearms to Canada Post locations.”

    H’mm. What a tempting target mail trucks would be to the criminal class in Canada looking to upgrade…

    I don’t blame them one damn bit for refusing, if they want the guns that bad from people resistant to surrendering them, let them get their hands dirty doing the dangerous part…

    1. Robbing mail trucks is already happening here on a major scale. In fact in occurred 643 times last year with 2 postal workers killed and is on track to surpass that this year. There have been over 2000 robberies since 2020 alone. So far this year 3 mail carriers have been murdered with 2 being during robberies of their vehicles.

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