During a recent interview when Vice President Kamala Harris revealed she owns a GLOCK pistol, and has had it since her days as a prosecutor in California, she offered scant details about the handgun, where it is kept and how it is stored.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the public has a right to more know about this handgun, considering the fact that Vice President Harris is widely known as an ardent gun control proponent who supports banning so-called “assault weapons” and in particular, magazines which hold more than ten rounds.
“Purely in the interest of curbing speculation about the pistol,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “the vice president should immediately reveal what caliber and model of pistol she owns, whether she has a California carry license, and in particular, whether her GLOCK has a magazine capable of holding more than ten rounds, especially since she supports laws that prevent the rest of us from having magazines that hold more than ten rounds. We need to know if she is a hypocrite, a liar or both.
“It is important, if not imperative, that Kamala Harris comes clean about this sidearm she claims to have fired,” he added. “She has obviously owned this handgun for several years, so how long has it been since she took the pistol to a gun range for practice? She should be able to recite how many cartridges fit in the magazine, whether she keeps it loaded, or if it is gathering dust in a safe somewhere so it can be used as a political prop so she can claim to be a gun owner who supports restrictive gun control laws.
“When did she buy it, and where,” he inquired. “Does she clean it regularly, and has she recently practiced and trained with it? Although she’s claimed to have fired the gun at a range, did she have any formal training? Where is the pistol right now, and is it safely stored?
“A serious gun owner can answer these questions reflexively, but a faker invariably tries to change the subject,” Gottlieb observed. “Kamala Harris owes the American public a straight answer, and so far, we haven’t gotten one.”
IF she had one, it would have been taken away from her by the Secret Service. Protectees aren’t allowed possession of firearms.
Unfortunately, this appears to be true. While POTUS technically outranks the SS and can carry if he demands to (e.g., Bill Clinton did in 1993 at his own insistence), Presidents typically defer to the SS for “permission”, which is not provided. So it’s both a “yes” and a “no”, depending upon the intention of the particular POTUS.
Obviously it is a Ghost Gun, because no one has ever seen it.
Frankly, none of this is anyone’s business but hers….and I certainly do not need any of those details to know she is a hypocrite, and a liar, because she has proven it countless time before.
Does anyone really expect lying, flip flopping, deceptive, censorship loving, 1st-2nd-4th-5th amendment violating and infringing, marx – ist socia – list Comrade Kamala to tell the actual truth about her claimed gun ownership/possession?
“We need to know if she is a hypocrite, a liar or both.”
Since the answer is obvious, this has to be a trick question.
I shot a Glock. I can’t stop laughing because everything is a joke to me.
The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms has to be trolling–surely they know that the Democrat Party has carefully constructed and maintained Kaymala’s image/brand. The Party would never allow any details to surface about her alleged ownership of a firearm since those details could/would detract from her image/brand.