Fun With Guns: Launching a Vietnam-Era Grapnel Hook [VIDEO]

I bought this LGH, or Launched Grapnel Hook, at a military surplus store back in 2008. Ish. Or so. It seemed like it was about time I actually fired the dang thing, and a gorgeous Texas day out at Copperhead Creek Shooting Club with Dan was just the right occasion!

It bruised the web and meat of my thumb something fierce. I also ripped the baseplate off the magazine when the gun recoiled rearwards, as I was gripping it to keep my hand away from the chamber area LOL. Just in case.

Anyway . . . success! Check out the video above and don’t forget to subscribe to Shooting News Weekly over on YouTube.


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1 thought on “Fun With Guns: Launching a Vietnam-Era Grapnel Hook [VIDEO]”

  1. .40 cal Booger

    It took me a few seconds to get the joke, if that’s what you intended …about watching female volleyball and getting a wrist injury you recovered from a few days later.

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