Fake News: NBC News Claims Magazine Disconnects Improve Safety, Save Lives

Browning Hi Power 9mm pistol
Courtesy Jon Wayne Taylor

Around 11 people are killed each year because their handguns lacked a magazine disconnect, according to a massive 4,600-word special report by NBC News, which was released Friday. 

The story’s title tells you all you need to know about the content: “A simple device could help curb accidental gun deaths, but most firearms don’t have it.” 

“Since 2000, at least 277 people have been killed in gun accidents in which the shooter believed the weapon was unloaded because the magazine had been dislodged or removed, an NBC News investigation found. That total – based on federal data collected from states, as well as media reports, lawsuits, and public records – is likely a significant undercount since many states only recently began reporting their data, and information on the cases may be incomplete. NBC News found 41 cases that weren’t captured in the data,” the story claims. 

Most of the story focuses on those allegedly killed by a handgun that was improperly used – pointed at an innocent person and the trigger pulled. 

“In Kansas, a college football player lost his leg after a teammate fired a weapon in 2018 that he thought was unloaded. In Michigan, a pregnant woman was accidentally shot and wounded by her husband, an Army soldier. And earlier this year, a customer inside a crowded Florida gun show was shot in the foot when another man unwittingly fired off a live round,” the story states. 

While any firearm-related accident is horrific, the story makes a lot of the numbers. But by comparison, dogs kill nearly three times as many people each year, around 400 die annually from accidental electrocution, and texting while driving kills thousands more annually. 

According to their story, the NBC reporters tried to ask more than a dozen firearm manufacturers about whether they would incorporate a magazine disconnect in their modern handguns. None replied to their questions other than Larry Keane, general counsel and chief lobbyist of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

“If the magazine gets dislodged or damaged and you can’t function a firearm in a life-or-death situation, using a firearm for self-defense — that’s a significant problem,” he told the NBC reporters.  

Keane is correct, of course. Besides, whether or not a firearm has a magazine disconnect, no one would have been harmed had the accidental shooters assumed that every gun is loaded and kept their muzzles pointed in a safe direction. 

Gun Violence Archive, Again

In their second-to-the-last paragraph, the NBC reporters admit where they got much of their data for the story…from the Gun Violence Archive, or GVA. 

Gun Violence Archive Mark Bryant
Gun Violence Archive founder Mark Bryant (image courtesy Mark Bryant)

According to GVA’s executive director Mark Bryant, every day his researchers consult “a mass of about 7,500 sources. They are law enforcement Twitter, law enforcement Facebook, law enforcement police blotters and then we have media sources. The easiest is to grab media sources. Law enforcement is clinical. The media looks more subjectively at an incident.”

The bottom line: GVA’s data is highly suspect. 

Using the GVA data undermines any serious point the NBC journalists were trying to make, because any time four or more people are shot and even slightly wounded, the small but influential nonprofit labels it as a “mass shooting,” and politicians, gun control advocates and the mainstream media treat their reports as gospel, even if their data is wildly inaccurate.

For example, according to Bryant’s overly broad definition, there were 417 mass shootings in 2019. The FBI says there were 30 because it uses a much narrower — and more realistic — definition of the term.

While the GVA collects and publishes several different types of shooting data – mass murders, number of children and teens killed or injured, officer-involved shootings, defenses gun usages and more – it’s their inflated mass shooting numbers that are cited most often by the corporate media, given its penchant for sensational headlines.

In a 2021 interview with the Second Amendment Foundation, Bryant defended his broader definition, and the higher body count it yields. “It doesn’t parse,” he said three years ago. “It gives an accurate picture of the number of times more than four people were shot, whether in a drive-by or a shooting at a rap concert or a country music concert.”

In the interview, Bryant deflected blame for the media’s overhyping and misuse of his data.

“If the numbers are misleading, the journalist didn’t do their homework, you could make that argument. The media zeroes in on it, not us. At one point we wanted to take mass shootings out of the loop, but the phone started ringing on a daily basis. It’s important to me that we’re not misinterpreted. We’re not anti-gun. Look at our staff, over half are gun owners. I intentionally do not hire from the (gun violence prevention) community. I want researchers – period. We wanted to have an honest set of data, and you can use it how you want,” Bryant said. 

Bryant’s database is being used by anti-gun politicians, the gun control crowd, and their supporters in the corporate media. Keep in mind they cite GVA’s data as proof that our rights need more infringing. If Bryant honestly believes in an individual’s right to keep and bear arms, he’d shutter the GVA.

browning hi power and fn high power
A Browning Hi Power (left) and the newer FN High Power (JWT for SNW)
New design

FN’s new 21st century High Power — an almost total re-thinking of the classic model — lacks the original’s magazine disconnect, which says all most shooters need to know about the old-fashioned safeties. 

“One component removed from the reboot is its antediluvian magazine-disconnect safety, meaning that the hammer can be dropped and the gun fired with its magazine removed,” NRA’s senior executive editor Kelly Young wrote in a review of the new High Powers. 

Antediluvian means “belonging to the time before the biblical flood, or ridiculously old-fashioned.”


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.

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7 thoughts on “Fake News: NBC News Claims Magazine Disconnects Improve Safety, Save Lives”

  1. “It gives an accurate picture of the number of times more than four people were shot, whether in a drive-by or a shooting at a rap concert or a country music concert.”

    Then why does the GVA include incidents where people were not shot but were injured because they fell down or ran into something while running away? There are literally hundreds of these in the GVA, the media said ‘injured’ and the mutant brains of GVA ‘researchers’ said “Ahhhh! shot!” and they weren’t so they did not meet the GVA criteria of 4 or more but they still appear in the GVA.

    There are over 600 incidents in the GVA right now where a shot was never fired, in some of them there wasn’t even a gun. But the media reported it initially as a shooting ‘case someone on scene or the police mentioned shooting when there was no shooting, but the media never corrected the story and GVA didn’t vet it. For example, the kids with a BB gun who walked in front of a school going to shoot cans in a wooded area, it was summer break and school was out, someone saw them walking and called the police then called the media and the media ran with it as a ‘school shooting’ story complete with victims that did not exist, and it popped up in GVA, media never corrected the story or retracted it for a long time..

    The GVA is full of false numbers. And there are lots of entries that do not satisfy their ‘4 or more’ in reality, and even though they say ‘not counting the shooter’ there are plenty of entries that do count the shooter so they can make at least 4.

    The GVA is a bunch of false.

  2. “At one point we wanted to take mass shootings out of the loop, but the phone started ringing on a daily basis.”

    Everytown has you on speed dial?

    1. contact Debbie over at TTAG. Her design uses, she claims, “the butt end” of a shraeder valve to make a butt plug errr… trigger plug.


    2. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “or you could just put a shraeder valve behind the trigger.”

      You’re a mean man, Mr. Grinch…

      h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Hj3U18FHgQ

      The Grinch is my personal hero…

  3. Jack C. Rookhuyzen

    A magazine disconnect just might get you killed if you press the wrong button.

    The 1911 .45 I carried in the military didn’t have a magazine disconnect for just that reason, (among others).