Remember when Lizzie Borden took and axe and gave her mother forty whacks? That wasn’t all, because according to the old song, she then gave her father forty-one. Lizzie was charged and tried for the two murders (and later acquitted, but that’s a long story for another day).
You know what didn’t happen, though? No one blamed the maker of the axe that was used to kill Ma and Pa Borden. No matter who did the deed. We live in a different time now, though, which goes a long way toward explaining why Michael Bloomberg’s employees at Everytown for Gun Control Safety and the city of Chicago have filed suit today against GLOCK.
The increasingly desperate gun control operation and the feckless types who run the Windy City are blaming the gun maker for the spate of illegal GLOCK switches that are increasingly used by gang-bangers and other criminals to convert (again illegally) standard semi-automatic pistols to full-auto.
From fox32chicago.com . . .
The lawsuit claims Glock is “unreasonably” putting Chicagoans in danger by manufacturing and selling guns that can easily be converted into illegal machine guns with a cheap device known as a “Glock switch.”
“The City of Chicago is encountering a deadly new frontier in the gun violence plaguing our communities because of the increase of fully automatic Glocks on our streets,” said Mayor Johnson, a member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns. “Selling firearms that can so easily be converted into automatic weapons makes heinous acts even more deadly, so we are doing everything we can in collaboration with others committed to ending gun violence to hold Glock accountable for putting profits over public safety.”
Again, for those who of you who still wear N95 masks outdoors and while driving alone in your cars, the city, backed by the full faith and credit of the city’s taxpayers and Bloomberg’s billions, are blaming the maker of standard, safe, legal firearms because criminals have come up with a way to illegally modify them to turn them into bullet hoses.
Exactly what legal theory supposedly underlies the city’s and Everytown’s attempt to get around the Protection of Legal Commerce in Arms Act with this case is anyone’s guess. You can read the full complaint here.
Granted, it’s federal law but 18 USC § 924(c) and its subsections state, “… any person who, during and in relation to any crime of violence or drug trafficking crime…” is in possession of a firearm that “…(ii) is a machinegun or a destructive device, or is equipped with a firearm silencer or firearm muffler, the person shall be sentenced to a term of imprisonment of not less than 30 years.” A second violation of this states the violator will, “…be sentenced to imprisonment for life.”
But these astro-turf organizations and their apparatchiks aren’t really about safety. They are about virtue-signaling for $$$.
I’d love it if Glock replied “Machine guns aren’t illegal, they’re taxed. The creators of this tax were very explicit that a ban would absolutely be unconstitutional.”
Well they sued car manufacturers for making cars that are too easy to steal. People seemed to be okay with that. People will be okay with this. The justice/bail reform crowd love it when 20 federal agents show up in full tactical gear to arrest a peaceful protester, or show up to take possession of a certain diary with some uncomfortable passages. They also love it when you can’t appeal your case without first posting a ridiculous bond. They laugh at people being ruined over things that aren’t even criminal. We can say, “hey, you can’t do that! That isn’t just!” It’s never about what is just. It’s about might makes right. They love a good show of force.
No one seemed to have had a problem with the switches when Facebook was advertising them.
Assuming you have at least a working knowledge of the functioning of modern semi-automatic firearms, please explain to me, in reasonable detail, how you would go about designing ANY semi-automatic such that it was incapable of being rendered “full auto” by a competent gunsmith/metalsmith? I acknowledge a theoretical possibility, but am unaware of any “real world” examples. Some are clearly more easily converted than others, but Glocks are NOT more easily converted than your average, semi-auto, striker-fired pistol; they are simply more common (and appear to be the “gat of choice” for gangbangers). The very premise of the lawsuit is idiotic, and counter-factual. They are trying to achieve by lawfare that which they have completely failed to achieve via legislation.
There is no good faith rationale for taking ANY of their proposals seriously.
I’m no engineer, but have a decent basic understanding of how semi-auto handguns function. And you’re right, there’s nothing inherently more “open” or easily convertible about the GLOCK design than those of a dozen other handgun makers’ striker-fired guns.
This is simply a case of lawfare, plain and simple. The plaintiffs probably assign under a 5% chance of the suit getting anywhere, let alone being successful. But that isn’t the point. The process (and the expense) is the punishment. The city has attorneys on its payroll and Everytown is funded by Daddy Bloombucks. The goal here is to drain GLOCK of as much of its resources as possible, just as the suit brought by Mexico is.
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