Be Careful Out There This Week, OK?

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6 thoughts on “Be Careful Out There This Week, OK?”

  1. My friend, Faraday (he’s an electrician), went on a chicken chase at a local farm. They release a chicken into a large pen. If you can catch it with your bare hands, you get a free whole chicken from their freezer. It’s a charity event; people buy tickets and the proceeds go to the youth Orchestra.

    The chicken chase is hilarious. They are speedy little critters and the farm sets some mud pits to magnify the entertainment. Mostly, the chickens win. Mostly the human adults are too slow. The human kids are faster.

    Faraday? That chicken nearly ran him to death. But not only did the chicken have the speed, Faraday could not stop laughing. It is hard to run and chase while laughing hysterically.

    Afterward, we took Faraday out for some consolation bourbon.

  2. Turkeys all around this area, in yards, on porches…sometimes people run them over, they are plentiful and all over the place. All sorts of wild life in this area from deer to turkeys and a lot in between, in the yards and all over. But can’t hunt in the area because its been annexed by the neighboring city so is now in the city limits where hunting is not permitted. If would be so easy with a decent high powered pellet gun so no shots are heard, from patios, easy targets, or even maybe get away with a .22,, a bow would be good too, a cross bow would work great I think… simply right there at the patio, bunches of them so take your pick, its almost like Thanksgiving dinner delivered if ya were planning on wild turkey for Thanksgiving.

    Anyway, for our part we are stocked up with our personal contribution of 50 turkeys (no, not the wild turkeys running around here close) and 50 hams this year, getting ready for our areas gun people participation in our annual get together to cook and deliver Thanksgiving dinner for those without. Lots of cooking and preparation coming up. By the time all the food from our group is ready, there’s gonna be a lot of turkey and ham and other foods including deserts. When its over our group will have prepared and delivered around 3,000 Thanksgiving meals for needy, elderly, homeless, etc… then after a short break start getting ready to do it again for Christmas dinner for those.

  3. On average 440 people die every year from Deer vs vehicle accidents with nearly 60,000 injured. On the other hand on average 100 people die each year in hunting related accidents with about 1000 injuries. While neither is a good outcome, its pretty easy to see where the real danger is.