Seattle Police Chief Candidate Wondered if the Second Amendment is Still Appropriate for Modern Times

Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes
Madison Police Chief Shon Barnes

A suggestion that the Second Amendment may no longer be “appropriate” in today’s society definitely should raise alarms about Shon Barnes, currently chief of police in Madison, Wisconsin and a reported top candidate for the same job in Seattle, Washington.

The Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the Second Amendment and the rights it protects may be more appropriate now than ever before, considering the brutal stabbing murder of a Seattle Metro bus driver while on duty this week.

Barnes made the comment in what was described as a “wide-ranging interview” in May, 2022 with a television reporter in Madison following the tragedy in Uvalde, Texas. When he mentioned the shooter’s purchase of two firearms, Barnes stated on camera, “We have a lot of things that are legal, but is it the right thing to do? We have to rise above that. And sometimes it requires an evolution of our thinking. What was written in 1789 may not be appropriate for 2022 unless we’re okay with kids being killed.”

“Simply because society may have evolved since the Bill of Rights was ratified does not mean we should surrender the right of self-defense, much less the right to keep and bear arms,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “If Barnes is selected to lead the Seattle Police Department, he should understand the rank-and-file supports the Second Amendment, and that since the city began pushing its gun control agenda ten years ago, the number of homicides has nearly tripled. We’re never ‘okay’ with kids getting killed. In fact, we’re not okay with anyone getting killed.

“We are also alarmed,” he continued, “that if Barnes thinks the Second Amendment may not be appropriate, what other rights does he think are outdated? What about the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and Fifth Amendment protection against self-incrimination? 

“Chief Barnes has a Ph.D.,” Gottlieb noted, “and he’s served with at least three law enforcement agencies during his career. By now he should have figured out you don’t fight crime by trying to disarm potential victims, but instead by making it clear to criminals they might literally have chosen a ‘dead-end’ lifestyle. 

“In addition to the Second Amendment,” Gottlieb added, “Washington state’s constitution has one of the strongest right-to-bear-arms provisions in the country. Evergreen State citizens, especially those living in Seattle and surrounding King County, are not about to give up their rights. They can far better determine what is ‘appropriate’ in the Pacific Northwest, and our rights never go out of style.” 

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13 thoughts on “Seattle Police Chief Candidate Wondered if the Second Amendment is Still Appropriate for Modern Times”

  1. A Hard Heart Kills: Why Liberal Values Breed School Shootings.

    h ttps://

  2. Leading Seattle Police Chief Candidate, Current Madison Chief Doesn’t Think 2A is ‘Appropriate’.

    h ttps://

  3. People in ‘authority’ over others with the capability of ‘force’ to back their ‘authority’ always think those over which they have authority should not have a defense capability against that authority force.

    ” ‘Sometimes it requires an evolution of our thinking. What was written in 1789 may not be appropriate for 2022 unless we’re okay with kids being killed.’

    ‘You’re referencing the 2nd amend.?’

    ‘Yes I am.’ ”

    Seriously? Trot out the old ‘think of the children’ anti-gun reasoning to attack a constitutional right?

    The 2A is not about “kids being killed” you moron. Have you never heard of the Constitution?

    This is the ‘anti-gun industry’ correlation = causation false logic argument in a degenerate form of exploitation of deaths of kids.

    Criminal acts happen, sometimes kids are killed. The 2A is not about criminal acts and not a result of the 2A.
    Accidents happen, sometimes kids are killed. The 2A is not about accidents and not a result of the 2A.

    Only a moron would say accidents or criminal acts happen because a constitutional right exists.

  4. So Officer Barnes has a Ph.D and has spent his entire “adult” life either on campus or as a cop – somehow I don’t find his appeal to authority argument very persuasive when it comes to the US Constitution, the evolution of society, the nature of natural rights, the proper sports team to cheer for, his favorite ice cream flavor, the color of the sky…

    People get the government they vote for, hopefully the misguided fools who elected whomever hired this ‘expert’ stay where they are and don’t move to my state, county or township – we have enough homegrown knuckleheads to deal with.

  5. Modern times are flying cars, fusion reactors and cancer cures.
    We currently live in an age of endless Monopoly money printing, shoe-horning unqualified people into delicate positions to promote equity and importing anachronistic third-worlders who film religious executions with the latest iPhone.

  6. Seattle Candidate for Chief of Police Shon Barnes is an absolute idiot. Wouldn’t hire him for dog catcher or waste management truck driver.

  7. Over the past 15 years I have noticed the gun grabbers try using a dark skin person or a As the “face” for supporting gun control.

  8. Crime only increased because the libertarians liberals and leftists, all said a father is not necessary in the home.

    Even the libertarians would prefer the government welfare industrial complex. Instead of private religious church based welfare. Because they don’t want the morality. And the don’t want the church requirements for changing your behavior in both public and private.

    The three L’s don’t believe a father’s love and discipline are necessary in the home. They all disagree with the Christians on that subject.

  9. “Washington state’s constitution has one of the strongest right-to-bear-arms provisions in the country. Evergreen State citizens, especially those living in Seattle and surrounding King County, are not about to give up their rights.

    Say what? The State Constitution hasn’t stopped Washington from becoming one of the most gun owner unfriendly states in the Country. Judging by the bills that are going to be filed in 2025 it’s going to get even worse – permit to purchase, 1 gun a month purchase limit, full background check for each purchase of ammunition, internet ammo purchase ban…

    The State Constitution is meaningless in a single Party state where gun control extremists are in charge.

  10. Throw him back he is an UnAmerican Left-wing nincompoop. Get with the program. The Second Amendment is here to stay and he is not fit to be a police officer. Obey the law