The president instructed Bondi to “examine all orders, regulations, guidance, plans, international agreements, and other actions of executive departments and agencies” and determine if any of them violate the Second Amendment.
“The Second Amendment is an indispensable safeguard of security and liberty. It has preserved the right of the American people to protect ourselves, our families, and our freedoms since the founding of our great Nation,” Trump’s executive order reads. “Because it is foundational to maintaining all other rights held by Americans, the right to keep and bear arms must not be infringed.”
The 30-day mark for Bondi to report back to Trump through his domestic policy director would have been this past Sunday, March 9. On Thursday, a Department of Justice official confirmed to ABC News that the deadline had been extended to Sunday, March 16.
The White House did not respond to ABC News’ inquiry about Bondi’s pending report.
Andrew Willinger, executive director of the Center for Firearms Law at Duke University School of Law, told ABC News the broadly written executive order “signals to me that this isn’t a top priority” for the Trump administration.
“Obviously, if there were things that were on the administration’s radar as possibly violating the Second Amendment or violating the rights of gun owners in some way, they could have started to roll those back right away and wouldn’t have needed to take this intermediate step of issuing a directive to the Attorney General to figure out what those were,” Willinger said. “That suggests that there’s nothing out there that the administration viewed as so pressing that they have to get rid of it right away.”
— Bill Hutchinson in AG Bondi gets extended deadline to recommend killing gun control policies: DOJ
“Ah man, forgot to do my homework. Guess I’ll just have to fire up ChatGPT and have it write my essay for me…”
The time required for US Constitution-oriented attorneys to sift through all the laws, ordinances, regulations, and directives is considerable, if all the Constitutional infringements are to be catalogued, along with explanations as to why they do not rise to Constitutionality. (It is apparent that you have never done legal research.) While AI-based searching can assist in a project of this exceptional magnitude, it is not the be-all-end-all some might believe it to be, as you imply. Ferreting out imaginatively poor, counter-Constitutional legislation and court decisions not founded on factually based evidence, relying only on anti-firearm fantasies, takes an enormous number of man-hours. (In your language, that may well be “them-hours.”) Even with the extended time allowed to the Department of Justice (DoJ), with United States Director Pamela Bondi leading it, there is likelihood that not all infringements of the Second Amendment to our Constitution for the United States of America will be found. However, I do not doubt that significant inroads will be made. Hang tough, Grasshopper, and keep your shorts on!
De Oppresso Liber
Has Andrew been to Illinois, New York or the NE coastal states, the West coast? Nothing immediately obviously violating or completely neutering the entire context of the second amendment? Preposterous!
Jon Jonz, mhfm – Are you attempting stand-up comedy while sitting in front of a monitor and pounding a keyboard with fantastical inanities‽ Surely your Comment is in jest! Illinois (IL), New York (NY), the NE Coastal states, the Western Coastal states and other states being lesser-known as counter-Constitutional are continually being advised by the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) of America that their laws run afoul of the Second Amendment (2A) to that Constitution. The violations infringing on the civil rights of their constituents, with regard to the selling, ownership, possession, accessorizing, modification, transportation, utilization, and other obvious, Constitutional violations are legion, some, in fact neutering those 2A civil rights that are Constitutionally assured and guaranteed! Get real!
De Oppresso Liber
Exactly what I was thinking.
Well said.
Tomorrow is Sunday, March 16. So lets see what comes out of it – an announcement or something. Monday maybe though ’cause Trump tends to play golf or spend the day relaxing on Sunday’s but lately hes been plowing on through on Sundays also. But maybe tomorrow.
You’re right about the Sunday thing, but then Sunday is the Day of Rest, so why not? The 2nd has been around for a couple years now, I don’t think one more day will collapse it.
“Gun Owners of America expressed a willingness to work with Bondi but also skepticism about her intentions.”
“Gun owners have seen firsthand how an anti-gun Attorney General can abuse their power to undermine the Constitution,” Erich Pratt, the group’s senior vice president, said in a statement. “Pam Bondi’s confirmation is a stark reminder that we must stay vigilant to ensure she defends, rather than dismantles, our God-given rights.”
The coming days will tell.
Hush – No matter who occupies positions of elected or appointed power, eternal vigilance by constituents is required to assure that the civil liberties guaranteed in our Constitution for the United States of America are retained.
De Oppresso Liber
They need to take a look at all the severely restrictive gun laws in New York State. What Hochul and her demons have done is terrible!!!!
Stephen Catholdi – Yet the populace continues to elect DemonKKKrap demons to remove their civil liberties! Amazing!
De Oppresso Liber
Any gun control law infriges on the 2nd Amendment, they are all unconstitutional.
William R Thompson Jr –
William A Janssen –
I agree with protecting yourselves and the right to bear arms one hundred percent, and any clown that thinks that we shouldn’t have.The rights ought to be deported with all the other illegal criminals
Steve – Professionally applied torture prior to deportation is preferred.
De Oppresso Liber
“Professionally applied torture prior to deportation is preferred“
So you ignore the constitution when it suits you, you wish to torture and deport your political opponents.
If you don’t like the situation in America, you may self-deport anytime you want.
America, Love it or leave it!
Ok samefag
Where is there any question whatsoever as to whether or not any of the rules, regulations, laws enacted to circumvent the U.S. Constitution, including the ERPO’s violate the Constitution?!! The ERPO’s themselves violate at least five of the amendments contained in the Bill of Rights!
Alex –
De Oppresso Liber
“The ERPO’s themselves violate at least five of the amendments contained in the Bill of Rights!“
Our billionaire globalist leader Donald Trump ihas exactly that plan in mind, he has stated so publicly:
“Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court because that’s another system. Because a lot of times by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early, like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of [firearms], they saw everything. To go to court would have taken a long time. So, you could do exactly what you said but take the guns first, go through due process second.”
-President Donald J. Trump, February 28, 2018
Remember, you voted for this
And it’s a vast improvement and we are quite happy with it thus far.
Apparently a lot of folks voted for it. And more appear to be leaving the left daily.
With your continued help, miner, 26 and 28 are looking better and better.
nothing will come of this: this administration does not give a rip about constitutional rights.
I’m very happy that Trump was elected. And not the libertarian Gary Johnson. And the libertarian Chase Oliver.
Trump has done more, for the 2A, thru executive orders than Johnson did as governor of New Mexico. With or without the state legislature.
And yes I didn’t want Pam Bondi. But that is who we have to deal with. On the other hand Kash Patel is running the ATF.
Let’s see if the report comes out Monday.
“Kash Patel is running the ATF“
I am glad to see America turning away from Christian nationalism, Donald Trump has appointed several folks who worship Shiva, Kali, Krishna and Durga instead of Jesus:
“Both Kash Patel and Tulsi Gabbard identify as Hindus, though their paths to the religion are quite different. Patel was born into a Hindu family, while Gabbard embraced Hinduism as a teenager and made it a central part of her identity.”
I think it’s interesting how Brother Kash invoked his Gods during his confirmation hearing:
“At his hearing, he thanked his parents for being there before invoking the chant: Jai Shree Krishna.“
Thank you for pointing this out Miner. This is something that has conveniently been overlooked when it comes to Trump. He has always been open and inclusive. The best kept secret in the world is that Trump is the moderate. He’s like a 90’s Democrat, except less anti-gae and more pro-American worker.
Wait I thought conservatives were supposed to be racist and xenophobic, what the bizarro fuck is this?
“what the bizarro fuck is this“
Our national security and law enforcement leadership now hail Krishna as supreme in the universe.
At his hearing, Patel thanked his parents for being there before invoking the chant: Jai Shree Krishna
“Victory to Krishna!“
I sure hope you folks worship the Hindu pantheon, with Hindu devotees at the helm of the national security and law enforcement leadership, it might not go well for you to be talking all that Jesus stuff.
Meanwhile, normal people just want the FBI/ATF/DOJ to end the corruption/political persecution and catch the bad guys.
Ah D/C trolling via trying to play off religious fear mongering. Would be somewhat more effective if you weren’t a militant atheist.
Substantially less concerning given the history of lefty abuses of religious minorities and majorities. Anything else or still bleating weak ass fake news?
i’ll be very pleasantly shocked if anything of remote substance comes from all this. maybe doge could do something other than cancel food aid and azt for world’s most miserable dirt poor? how nice we have the world’s richest man gleefully canceling food aid for the world’s poorest. glad i can keep donating to world vision. but if we really are a christian nation (not akrikaaner) we should act like it. sorry for tangent im just annoyed they are doing stupid things while ignoring real issues.
Odd that no one can link actual examples of that vs lots of weird gay shit.
It’s the typical use the 2% to justify the 98%. How many American families would take out a high interest loan to feed people in other countries while they were deep in debt with their own hungry children? People are so easily manipulated. That’s how we ended up with a senile puppet installed in the White House who wasn’t even aware of his own executive orders. Biden denied signing an E.O. before the autopen story even came out.
Biden insisted he didn’t sign executive order just weeks after doing so, Speaker Johnson reveals
i don’t know what percent of total funding was for food aid and medications but i do know it’s all canceled and people will starve and die as a result. if the admin cared they could have just cut the bs wasteful spending. of course they don’t care; just like every asshole politician regardless of party
You are most welcome to donate your own money time food and energy to those in need and will likely be far more efficient and effective than government slush funds posing as aide groups.
How about New York State!!! Background checks every time you buy ammo?? Guns?? Which we all pay for every time , we go to classes , training , FBI background checks and still have to pay??? The price out the lil man that wants the ability to protect our families from all the evil allowed into our towns and cities