Foxtrot Mike’s New Ultra Affordable VFM-9 9mm PCC Uppers

Foxtrot Mike

Foxtrot Mike just released a couple of new PCC uppers. The 9mm VFM-9 uppers are built from quality materials and have very competitive features with other PCC uppers on the market. Where they really stand out though is the price. These new uppers are going for well under $300. Read on to check out the details and find out how Foxtrot Mike is managing to offer these at such a reasonable price.

Foxtrot Mike PCC upper

VFM-9 Uppers

The new VFM-9 uppers are available  in two versions, a front charge model and a dual charge model. Both are chambered in 9mm and have 5-inch 4140 steel barrels. The barrels are rated at a service life exceeding 10,000 rounds, which is more than most users are likely to ever put through their guns.

If you are that shooter who really throws lead downrange though, Foxtrot Mike is offering a replacement barrel for only $99. Barrels come with 1/2-28 threads and are fitted with FM’s Micro Blast Diffuser. The VFM-9 uppers have a full length Picatinny rail on top and come with free float M-LOK handguards.

The Front Charge model uses an ambidextrous, non reciprocating all metal charging handle and trolley. The Dual Charge models have both the forward charging handle as well as a conventional rear mounted AR charging handle. This set up gives you charging options and allows you to train with a standard AR type set up.

The way that Foxtrot Mike has kept the price down on these uppers is by reducing the number of parts needed to build them, and streamlining the assembly process. FM eliminated the barrel nut and implementing a thermal fit between the barrel and the upper. This cut down on parts, and simplified the build process without impacting function or quality. They also reduced the handguard screws used from eight to two, for greater production efficiency and cost savings, and they’re passing that savings on directly to the consumer.  They do note that while some parts of the VFM-9 are proprietary, the bolt and muzzle device are fully interchangeable with standard parts. The VFM-9 uppers are backed by Foxtrot Mike’s lifetime warranty.

Foxtrot Mike PCC upper

So, with all that said, what exactly is the price on these new uppers? Well, the Forward Charge models are only $239 currently, and the Dual Charge models are just $269. You can add them to the lower of your choice, or pick up one of Foxtrot Mike’s Mike-9 lowers. I used one of FM’s Mike-45 lowers recently to do a 10mm build and it was excellent, so if you don’t already have a lower in mind I’d give those a look.

The VFM-9 uppers are available form Foxtrot Mike’s web store or from Primary Arms.

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8 thoughts on “Foxtrot Mike’s New Ultra Affordable VFM-9 9mm PCC Uppers”

  1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

    I’ve been toying with putting one of these together, but aren’t 9mm AR-pattern lowers on the expensive side?

    1. I’m not sure for this particular 9mm upper, but my 9mm PCC uppers are on standard AR lowers with a mag well insert for 9 MM mags. I think I paid like $50.00 each for the two lowers.

      Thinking about doing another one, I’ll make this lower myself though with the GG CNC.

    2. As .40 cal stated, one can just drop in a mag well adapter in a standard AR lower to run 9mm mags. My personal recommendations would be (depending on the type of magazines you’re looking to run):
      – Sylvan Arms adapter if looking to use Glock or Sig magazines.
      – KAK Industries 9mm adapter if looking to use Colt/UZI style of magazines.
      – Mean Arms EndoMag / ExoMag if not wanting to use an adapter.

  2. Foxtrot Mike is among the leaders in bufferless uppers, but I can’t tell either from the article or their linked site whether this is one or not.

    1. Also, why do all my comments go straight to “awaiting moderation”? I’ve never posted spam, and most (all?) of my comments are technical notes or questions about firearms, like the one above.