I got wind of this at SHOT and talked about it in our 2024 show coverage, and now the guns are shipping. As I mention in that piece, a lot of folks either can’t afford, or aren’t happy with the prices of the original GI issue M1911A1’s that CMP is offering. Even for folks who can, they may not want to take their collectable firearm out and run a lot of rounds through it. So CMP has partnered with Tisas Firearms to offer a modern reproduction that’s both accurate to the original WW II design and affordable by just about any reasonable person’s standards.
The Tisas CMP M1911A1 is based on the Remington Rand WWII issue pistol. They differ in some small details that only advanced collectors are likely to notice, but capture the look, feel, and performance of the original GI pistols, at less than half the price of am original from CMP.
It looks like you have to meet the same criteria as buying a CMP 1911 or CMP Grand to purchase one of these. (i.e. Be a member of an approved club, have completed a recent qualification course, or be military or a LEO) but if you do, the price is only $479.99. The guns come with both issue-style brown plastic grips as well as double diamond checkered walnut grips, and ship with two magazines.
I looked at the first prototype gun at SHOT and it was impressive. If you want a GI gun but don’t want to pay upwards of $1000, this is a great option to consider. It’s also nice for folks who have an original but want to reserve those for their collection, or only occasional use.
Honestly, I have two issue 1911’s now, as well as a Springfield Armory commercial GI spec M1911A1, and I’m planning to get one of these. They look like what the WWII issue guns probably looked like when they rolled off the assembly line. Take a look at the release info from CMP and the specs below.

The CMP is pleased to announce our partnership with Tisas USA to provide this extraordinary CMP-branded, museum-grade replica of the M1911A1 to our many customers and competitors. This pistol will make a great companion piece to the surplus M1911A1 pistols sold by the CMP or just a great pistol on its own to shoot or collect!
Tisas M1911 A1 CMP Specs:
Caliber: 45 ACP
Barrel Length: 5 Inches
Accurate reproduction of WWII issued 1911
United States Property marked
Manganese Phosphate Slide, Frame & small parts
Reprofiled Ejection Port
Type E Hammer
(2) 7 round magazines
(2) sets of grips including Accurate reproduction brown plastic grips, and walnut double diamond checkered grips
MSRP: $479.99 with free shipping & handling
I love the way parkerizing just soaks up oil after a good cleaning and wipe-down.
Eez-Oxx changed their formula, the new stuff doesn’t smell anywhere near as nice these days… *sobbing*
Not American sorry
Me Tisas, me play joke,
Me make your CMP 1911 because our employees will work for $40/day and not go broke.