Europe — more gun-friendly than people think! Buying a handgun in most European countries is roughly the same difficulty as buying one in New York. Buying a modern semi-auto rifle in most European countries is easier than in most American AWB states (although buying a ban-compliant design in an AWB state is easier than the European process to get the “real” gun).
But gun culture in, say, California and New York is stronger than gun culture in, say, France. Why is that? This stuff is about more than just laws and ownership rates. It’s also about the stories we tell ourselves about who we are. Even people who don’t believe in gun rights would readily acknowledge that the idea of gun rights is central to America’s self-image. Most countries in Europe (with the notable exceptions of Switzerland and the Czech Republic) don’t have that self-image. So they might have room in the laws, but they don’t have the vibe. And without the right vibe, it’s hard for a culture to thrive.
This is where American gun owners can help our pals in other countries. The internet allows for the creation of extranational cultures. Gun culture doesn’t have to be about which country you’re in.
Let’s be international vibes dealers.
— Open Source Defense in What’s gun ownership like in Europe?
“…the idea of gun rights is central to America’s self-image. Most countries in [the rest of the world] (with the notable exceptions of Switzerland and the Czech Republic) don’t have that self-image.”
Now does everyone understand why they’re so desperate to replace the American population with alien cultures?
As always, well said Dude.
Couple issues, this is a very American mistake but you assume the peoples of the world want what you want, never assume this no matter how well intentioned you may seem. Second I hate most europeans and dont want them to have nice things. And lastly fix your map since Kosovo Je Srbija
“…this is a very American mistake but you assume the peoples of the world want what you want, never assume this no matter how well intentioned you may seem.”
Case in point, Iraq. We handed them their freedom, and in 70-odd hours the Taliban took it back…
“never assume this”
It cracks me up how the “decolonization” brain dead libs are actually all about colonialism. They love planting their battle flag (rainbow flag) on foreign soil while trying to liberalize the rest of the world.
“They love planting their battle flag (rainbow flag) on foreign soil while trying to liberalize the rest of the world.”
Its not only “foreign soil”, they plant that ‘battle flag’ here in the U.S. too and factions of the LGBTQ (and what ever characters follow that now, I got tired of trying to keep up with it) have even claimed their goal is an ‘elimination’ of all ‘hetrosexual’ people from America and ‘conversion’ of all children to an opposite gender. And have even allied with ANTIFA who made the claim, in context with this alliance, the ‘alliance’ goal was the kidnapping (and presumably ‘imprisonment’) then rape (presumably to impregnate) of hetrosexual woman then murder them (presumably after they gave birth in their captivity, presumably to not have an influence on the child which would ‘presumably’ then be raised and indoctrinated then ‘converted’ to an opposite gender).
Now granted, this is not everyone in the LGBTQ ‘community’. But it is a fact that such ‘colonization efforts agenda’ is taking place under cover of the broader ‘LGBTQ’ ‘stance’ and ‘presence’ and there are a lot of violent people in the ‘LGBTQ’ ‘community’ who wish for this to happen by means of violence targeting anyone who isn’t ‘them’ (e.g. hundreds of their videos and accounts – reaching a certain rule breaking threshold – calling for such violence on tiktok, instagram, youtube, other platforms are removed annually.)
I noticed a few years ago that they were actively and unapologetically trying to convert heteros. I’m old enough to remember when “conversion therapy” was the absolute worst evil you could inflict on a gae person.
No we don’t need to spread our culture. Not unless we’re going to conquer a place and replace their people with ours.
Let the crappy Europeans have their crappy way of life.