Two months ago, we noted that there are some 10 million hunters and gun owners who aren’t registered to vote. As you’d expect, a lot of those unregistered gun owners are in critical swing states.
A breakdown of the data reveals a major shortfall in voter registration among gun owners in the states that will decide the 2024 election: 515,277 in Pennsylvania and around 370,000 each in Michigan and North Carolina. Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri and Virginia all have more than half a million hunters and gun owners unregistered, and Arizona has the smallest shortfall at 133,000.
It isn’t clear how many of those people have since registered to vote in the last sixty-plus days, but the there are more than enough of the to make a material difference in the outcome of elections not only in those states, but nationally.

In the mean time, the NSSF is urging everyone who values their rights to get registered and vote like their gun rights depend on it.
NSSF, the Firearm Industry Trade Association, announced it is urging all gun owners, hunters, recreational target shooters and supporters of the Second Amendment to register to vote by visiting and on Election Day, November 5th, to not risk their rights and #GUNVOTE.
With less than 50 days until Election Day, several states are beginning to send out mail ballots and offering advanced in-person voting. NSSF’s #GUNVOTE voter education campaign seeks to ensure all gun owners and hunters are registered to vote and educated about where the candidates stand on the Second Amendment.
“For millions of Americans who cherish their Second Amendment rights, this truly is the most critical election in history. Vice President Kamala Harris has clearly laid out her anti-gun agenda. It is abundantly clear she will continue the Biden-Harris attack on the Second Amendment and will restrict the rights of law-abiding Americans even more than she has over the past three and a half years,” said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF Senior Vice President and General Counsel. “In 2020, the presidential election swung in just a few key states by margins of a few thousand votes and hanging chads. Reporting shows there are more than 10 million hunters and Second Amendment supporters who remain unregistered to vote ahead of the 2024 election. Make sure you’re registered. Check that your hunting and range buddies are registered too. Visit for all the information you need to get registered and to find your polling place to make sure you Don’t Risk Your Rights on November 5th.”
Reports have show millions of Americans who enjoy hunting, the recreational shooting sports and lawfully owning firearms for self-defense still have yet to register to vote. That includes more than 515,277 in Pennsylvania and 370,000 each in Michigan and North Carolina. In addition, Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri and Virginia all have more than half a million hunters and gun owners that remain unregistered and in Arizona – another state that could swing the election – that number totals approximately 133,000.
NSSF’s #GUNVOTE initiative was created to ensure all law-abiding American gun owners are registered to vote, know when and where to cast their ballot and to make their voices heard on Election Day. #GUNVOTE conveniently lists all U.S. states with links to their respective Secretary of State’s websites where more details about registering to vote, early voting protocols and the entire process can be found. For those who wait until election day to cast their ballot, #GUNVOTE will also tell voters of their polling place so that exercising the right to vote is as easy as possible.
Don’t Risk Your Rights – #GUNVOTE!
But she said she has a gun. She likes spicy food and Doritos. Doritos! She’s just like us! Right?
She might be. I’m not sure. Depends on what fake accent she was using at the time.
Today, while driving back from the park, I saw a lawn sign a neighbor had put up. It read “Vote only once this election.” The Trump signs made it clear that the …”only once…” phrase was a sarcastic reference to leftist cheating.
In the other direction another neighbor had 3 signs: “I am woman, and I vote”, “I am not a loser”, and “Anyone but Trump”.
I figure the ‘loser’ sign represents the opposite of what it says, her real feelings about herself. And the “I am woman” sign clearly signals that she is deluded into thinking her vote is more powerful than a vote cast by a male. Well, at least she appears to admit there are differences between the se-x-es.
One more sign : “The end is near. Its a 4-way stop, so, slow down and be polite!”
“I am woman”
How does she know that? After all, so far only the non-democrat contenders have been able to tell us what a woman is so remember that ladies.
There was a rather larger spider crossing the wall in front of my desk, so I asked him if he would mind helping me settle something I had been wondering about. He stopped, looked at me, and said “Certainly, but I am heading to that corner of the ceiling to build a web, so, let’s keep it brief”. “Much appreciated”, I replied. “My question is this: humans have this phrase: ‘a web of lies and deceit’. Yet, humans do not spin webs, spiders do. I always thought spiders were kind of honest. They either want to kill you and eat you, or they don’t. Spiders do not spin webs of lies.” He replied, “You are an astute human; spiders are honest and true. We do not lie, except for lying in wait, and we do not deceive. Our webs are plainly visible. It seems to me you humans are appropriating spider culture for your own devious purposes”.
I assured him that I am not devious and thanked him for taking the time to enlighten me. Then I warned him that he would not trap much food in my office and when my wife vacuums, he will be in great danger. He asked what he should do. So, I told him I would capture him in a glass jar and take him outside where there will be plenty of game. He agreed to that plan. Now, I am more well-informed, and he is outside teasing on flies. Win-Win.
Should have been “…feasting on flies…”.
I have to admit, I’m amazed at the number of God’s critters you engage in conversations with, bald eagles and now spiders.
Will the wonders never cease? 😉
You have it exactly, Geoff!!! “God’s critters”. I talk with trees, also. They make a lot more dense than my Kamala-supporting sisters.
“They make a lot more dense than my Kamala-supporting sisters.”
I feel for ya, brother.
I’m just happy as heck both my sisters aren’t leftists…