Gun Owners Know They Can Totally Trust a President Harris

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11 thoughts on “Gun Owners Know They Can Totally Trust a President Harris”

  1. I think also it should be noted that Comrade Kamala’s ‘gun owner ship’ (if its true) is not like yours or my gun ownership. She automatically qualified for it with no questions asked because of her position and didn’t need to ask the state for ‘permission’. She did not need to have her ‘suitability’ determined by the state of California and wait. And although she might (yes, that’s might) have had to do the 4473 if she purchased it herself she was exempt from the very background check she wants to subject others to and its more likely that the state bought it and gave it to her or just gave her one they already had thus pretty darn likely no 4473 was done by her. So Kamala is the ‘elite ruler’ hypocrite type of ‘gun owner’ (if she does actually own a gun) that is ‘privileged’ and sees herself as above us mere mortals. So she doesn’t need to worry about defense because she has armed security available to her and is immune from the trials and tribulations we mere mortals are subjected to so we can exercise a constitutional right that says specifically ‘shall not be infringed’. So sure, she says very disengenously she supports the 2A, she says that because she is free to do as she pleases to have guns while the rest of us she wants subjected to her ‘ruling’ us.

    So no Kamala, you are not a gun owner like us.

    Kamala has been caught in so many lies and deceptions. She literally kept people in slavery and tried to defend doing it while she was AG. Those people were ordered released by the court yet she kept them incarcerated, free people, and used them for forced labor for the state – that’s called slavery. Its true they were criminals, non-violent offenders, and I certainly have no sympathy for criminals, but these were free people by court order no longer subject to incarceration and Kamala intentionally violated that order to fight their release with the argument that releasing them would decrease the states prisoner work force. Criminals or not, what she did was enslave free people and use them for forced labor.

    That’s the person she is… a liar, deceiver, and defender of slavery. So when she says anything to do with constitutional rights, she has an agenda to make it her right to do as she pleases with your rights. Yes she’s gonna try to take your guns, and censor your speech, and have law enforcement be able to walk into your home and take you or what ever they want without cause or warrant and in the past she has even said as much. And the heck with any of the other constitutional rights because she will continue the Biden plan to attack and degrade them to eventually control them by government granted permission not only for gun owners but for all Americans with a grand scheme of joining in the UN plan to eventually do away with rights and replace them with ‘social responsibilities’ controlled by the state.

    Yes, she’s gonna try to take your guns, and your liberty.

      1. In 2019 during her unsuccessful presidential campaign Harris said she owned a gun for ‘ self-protection’. During the recent debate Harris said she owned a gun for self-protection. On 19 Sept 2024 onstage with Oprah Winfrey at that stupid town hall thing Harris said she owned a gun and would shoot a home invader. On 20 Sept 2024 one of her aids said she owned the same gun she owned in 2019 when she said she owned a gun. These are things reported in the media AND documented on video in her own words.

        But you are saying that now, just two days after one of aides said she owned a gun three days after Harris her self on video said she owned a gun and after the recent debate saying she owned a gun – that now her campaign staffers are ‘clarifying’ that Harris DOES NOT own a firearm? I can you ‘clarify’ that? Either shes does or does not, in other words either she lied or did not lie.

        I would not put it past her to have lied or deceived, she has done such so many times already…. and I’m not trying to challenge you for anything because I’m not the type that lives my live demanding a link cite to everything a person writes …. but what exactly was the wording of that clarification and do you have a link to something that shows this ‘clarification’ ?

        1. The only question is did she lie previously about her gun ownership or did she lie recently about her gun ownership. I read yesterday that a staffer claimed the comment about shooting an intruder was meant as a joke and quickly after making that comment on the OPA interview she said I probably shouldn’t have said that.

          1. so shooting someone is joke to her? Only an anti-gun person would have such a sick twisted depraved view to make it a joke. Believe me, having been though it myself more than once, it is not a joke and its not fun and its horrifying and I do not know of even one gun owner that thinks its a joke or fun and contrary to the sick twisted depraved view of anti-gun people and orgs and Kamala and Walz and Biden to use victims of horrific crime events as a ‘stage’ prop to further their agenda of taking away a constitutional right, the law abiding gun owner does not see it as a joke or fun either.

        1. Kamala Harris jokes an intruder into her home is ‘getting shot’

  2. Trump campaign is saying gun owners do note vote in the numbers they should. With this gun-grabbing regime intent on destroying the Constitution, I hope that is about to change.