Fact Check: The ‘Gun Lobby’ That Democrats Demagogue Against is You

Tweet from endangered Democrat incumbent Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey, Jr. 

Note that when antigun politicians like endangered incumbent Bob Casey, Jr, in Pennsylvania, talk about the “gun lobby,” they mean you, not big corporations or gun rights orgs.

The truth is, America’s gun and ammunition companies are nowhere near large enough to be a powerful lobby by themselves. The whole industry’s annual revenue is around $22 billion, or less than one-fourth of Tesla’s revenue in 2023.

Even before the National Rifle Association’s troubles, that organization with millions of members began to be matched in its spending by one guy — Michael Bloomberg — who spent dramatic amounts of cash to elect anti-gun Democrats.

In this election, anti-gun groups and PACs are far outspending pro-gun groups, thanks in large part to even more astroturfing by Bloomberg.

The reality is, there is no meaningfully powerful gun lobby. There are just tens of millions of Americans who demand that their Second Amendment rights be respected, and they vote accordingly.


Konstadinos Moros is an Associate Attorney with Michel & Associates, a law firm in Long Beach that regularly represents the California Rifle & Pistol Association (CRPA) in its litigation efforts to restore the Second Amendment in California. You can find him on his Twitter handle @MorosKostas. To donate to CRPA or become a member, visit https://crpa.org/.

This post was adapted by SNW from an X article posted by Konstadinos Moros.

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1 thought on “Fact Check: The ‘Gun Lobby’ That Democrats Demagogue Against is You”

  1. Obviously.

    Where are the politicians who grandstand on taking on the banker lobby, pharma lobby, tech lobby ans of course the MIC lobby? They spend magnitudes more money and wield significantly more influence than any gun lobby.

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