Colorado To Release More Wolves Into Rural Colorado – Wouldn’t They Be Better Suited to Urban Areas?

Some people say democracy is three wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner. The more modern, big-city definition might describe democracy as three feral youths and you deciding on who’s going to get carjacked.

In an example of modern Western liberal democracy in action, the city folk in Colorado narrowly passed a voter referendum to “reintroduce” large gray wolves into rural areas of that state. Months later, the Colorado Department of Parks and Wildlife (CPW) have released the first batch of ten wolves without notifying farmers, ranchers or other rural “stakeholders.”

Why didn’t CPW make those notifications? They claim they “forgot.”

Never mind that when similar granola-types released wolves into Yellowstone, the large predators decimated large game animal populations. And they aren’t at all friendly toward cattle and other livestock either.

So now the same tree-hugging do-gooders who romanticize gray wolves as big, furry, loveable dogs and not formidable predators want to release dozens more in the coming months. Of course, they want to do it in the rural areas and make it someone else’s problem while they bask in their own virtue signaling.

Wouldn’t it be more helpful to release the wolves in Denver, Aurora, Boulder and other deep-blue enclaves? Places where people live who voted to release the predators?

Just think of the problems that would be solved. The feral cat population would make great Scooby snacks. The homeless would cease to be a problem in a matter of weeks at most…one way or another.  Think of all the homeless program money that could be saved when the homeless decide they no longer want to risk camping out in city parks and along sidewalks.  Colorado would only need to use a tiny fraction of that “homeless” money to remove the wolf scat and clear out the empty tents.

Meanwhile, the right-thinking folks next door in Wyoming have sounded off about this reckless scheme. In fact, they’ve already got a plan in place in case the wolves make it north into Wyoming. It’s called SOS or “Shoot On Sight.”

From the Cowboy State Daily:

After Colorado released wolves earlier this month, many which have killed livestock in Oregon, some Wyoming ranchers said the Cowboy State’s “shoot on sight” wolf policy can protect ranches here.

“On the positive side, if any of those wolves cross over into Wyoming, they’re no longer protected. They’re classified as predators and they can be removed,” Jim Magagna, a sheep rancher and executive vice president of the Wyoming Stock Growers Association, told Cowboy State Daily.

Meanwhile, Wyoming ranchers can [empathize] with the plight of their counterparts in Colorado, even if they can’t do much to change the Centennial State’s wolf policy, said cattle rancher and Wyoming Livestock Roundup publisher Dennis Sun.

“There’s really not a lot that Wyoming ranchers can do, except show support for the Colorado ranchers,” he told Cowboy State Daily.

Already Cattle Killers?
Colorado’s wolf reintroduction program has drawn criticism after it was revealed that some of the wolves transplanted from Oregon and released in Colorado earlier this month might have been involved in killing livestock in their home state.

Colorado’s wolf reintroduction program was initiated by Proposition 114, which Colorado voters passed in 2020 by the slimmest of margins, 50.91% to 49.09%. The goal was to put wolves on the ground in Colorado by the end of this year.

Shoot, shovel, and shut up never has really gone out of style in much of America, especially in rural areas. Sure, the released wolves will probably have transponders, but those can be re-homed or lost in tragic boating accidents. Or, if these wolves make it into Wyoming, they will make great additions to trophy rooms.

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