The Foreign Mind Can’t Conceive of American Civilian Gun Ownership

Deion Sanders coach prime

Deion Sanders recently opened up on the reason he has decided to carry guns in his house located in Texas, terming it simply the convenience of staying in the countryside. He said that coyotes, snakes, wild boars roam his property, and he said a gun is the go-to weapon for the wild encounters that can get pretty messy.

To Sanders, possession of firearms, like his 12-gauge shotgun, is the prudent course of action that serves to counter the routine encounters sometimes dangerous with the animals of the locality. His position was that all these weapons are meant only to keep away the wild animal intrusion and not any other. He pointed out how, in Texas, this becomes a reasonable measure on which a lot of citizens seem to rely because animals usually populate rural areas.

“We are in the country; we hunt,” he said, according to Marca. He said, “We have wild hogs, a lot of snakes, moccasins, and coyotes. Turtles can also take over your lake, so we deal with them too.”His remarks reflect the use of guns is more a means of necessity rather than as a protection measure against people. …

Many believe that as a head coach in Colorado, whose opinions about gun culture are quite divided, Sanders is promoting guns. He, however, insists that his approach continues to encompass practical needs as seen in a rural area and does not promote a certain type of gun culture. He believes that his perspective will actually promote an understanding of realities.

— Times of India Sports Desk in Deion Sanders on the Necessity of Firearms for Wildlife Management

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3 thoughts on “The Foreign Mind Can’t Conceive of American Civilian Gun Ownership”

  1. .”His remarks reflect the use of guns is more a means of necessity rather than as a protection measure against people. …”

    …until he encounters an people who makes him glad he was carrying.