Buy a Spike’s Lexington & Concord Rifle, Get a Copy of Nicholas Orr’s ‘Pipe Hitter’s Guide to the Modern Minuteman’

Spike's Lexington & Concord rifle

Student of the Gun and Spike’s Tactical have teamed up with Amazon bestselling author, Nicholas Orr in defense of American liberty and freedom. From now until Christmas of 2024, anyone who purchases a Lexington & Concord rifle from Spike’s Tactical is eligible to receive a complimentary copy of “A Pipe Hitters Guide to the Modern Minuteman” by Nicholas Orr.

With a recent open attack on American free speech, the Police Chief of London threatened “to extradite U.S. citizens and other foreign ‘keyboard warriors’ who violate the U.K.’s restrictive speech laws while posting rumors that fueled the country’s recent riots.”

Taking a cue from King George III, London’s Top Cop made further threats toward those committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you.”  We know he is serious, or at least thinks that he is, as the police in the UK have become famous for arresting people for the crime of offending a person online in a social media post.

“We have no intention of sitting quietly as we are threatened by would-be tyrants from Merry Old England.” said Paul Markel, founder of Student of the Gun. “This year we partnered with Spike’s Tactical to offer the Lexington & Concord rifle, an Instrument of Liberty, because we understand that armed citizens have liberty while disarmed tax slaves get arrested for offending people on Facebook.”

Markel continued, “From now until Christmas of 2024, anyone who purchases a Lexington & Concord Rifle from Spike’s Tactical can send proof of purchase to to receive a complimentary paperback copy of Nicholas Orr’s book, A Pipe Hitters Guide to the Modern Minuteman.”    

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1 thought on “Buy a Spike’s Lexington & Concord Rifle, Get a Copy of Nicholas Orr’s ‘Pipe Hitter’s Guide to the Modern Minuteman’”

  1. “With a recent open attack on American free speech, the Police Chief of London threatened ‘to extradite U.S. citizens and other foreign ‘keyboard warriors’ who violate the U.K.’s restrictive speech laws while posting rumors that fueled the country’s recent riots.”

    sounds familiar …hmmm..


    Look “Police Chief of London”… ya’ll tried your tyranny and threats here once before and got your asses soundly kicked.

    Like then, you have no foundation for victory trying to do this either. So in the historic sentiment of the Americans that kicked ya’lls asses before … FUK YOU!