Blumenfeld: Boy the Founders Really Screwed Up When it Came to Guns

Guns Save Life kids shooting camp
Image: John Boch

Earlier this month, Luigi Mangione, a 26-year-old highly educated young man from a wealthy family, allegedly acted out the rage many of us have against mega-insurance companies and other blood-sucking corporations by murdering the CEO of one of the largest “health” insurance companies in the country.

Even a cursory glance on several social media sites shows the extent to which Mangione has already become a cultural icon, a hero in the realm of David slaying the mighty Goliath, or Robin Hood challenging the powerful Mayor of Nottingham on behalf of the poorest among us.

But we cannot separate the shooting of children and teachers from the shooting of a a CEO of a highly profitable corporation because each case testifies to the violent nature of the United States of America, which was founded and maintained on violence.

In the Constitution’s Second Amendment, the framers of the United States guaranteed its “free” people the right to carry and shoot terrifying weapons, all while enslaving people transported from Africa against their will and robbing the people who had preceded Europeans by thousands of years of their lands, livelihoods, and their very lives.

While the founders were mostly wise men who crafted what many consider a brilliant and enduring blueprint for a new nation, they were also products of their times who had human shortcomings and biases.

Just coming off a war of independence against one of the world’s great colonial powers, leaders thought it reasonable to ensure the “free” people the capability of defending themselves against any potentially tyrannical government. In this regard, they established the Second Amendment, granting Americans “the right to bear arms.”

Since then, firearms and the culture supporting it has been encoded into the very DNA of American identity. But what may have been “reasonable” in the 18th century stands today as unreasonable and deadly without substantial reform.

— Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld in America’s gun culture makes all of us less free

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8 thoughts on “Blumenfeld: Boy the Founders Really Screwed Up When it Came to Guns”

  1. In one unhinged screed we get:

    -eff the blood sucking corporations!

    -the United States government is racist and corrupt

    and, naturally:

    -it’s bad we have rights

    Mentally ill doesn’t go far enough to describe these people.

  2. “all while enslaving people transported from Africa against their will…”

    Sold to slavers by the victim slaves very own tribes.

    “…leaders thought it reasonable to ensure the “free” people the capability of defending themselves against any potentially tyrannical government.”

    Ya mean the one we just voted out, the one that literally declared war on law abiding gun owning American citizens by threatening use of F-16 and military force against us and literally sent agents of government to homes to threaten and terrorize and kill law abiding gun owning American citizens, the one that weaponzed the government against the American people, the one called the Biden-Harris regime? That one, the one where we thought seriously about needing our firearms to defend against that tyranny – that one?

    It looks like the founders were right, we do need firearms.

    And lots of other missing and convienant ‘re-writes by omission’ of history in this idiots missive of stupid.

  3. In his effort to be “inclusive” and “empathetic” this author misgendered the Wisconsin Christian school shooter. The author said the shooter killed “himself.” He knew she was a girl when that article was written. From what I have seen, she was a (toxic) radical feminist who wasn’t pretending to be a boy.

    If you want to understand this cookie-cutter progressive author, then read his screed whining about America being a Christian country, as he says we should be inclusive and empathetic to people with different beliefs. Hmm. A typical out of touch, anti-Christian, anti-gun leftist… He did make one correct observation: Happy Holidays is code for Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas everyone!

    From his gun article:
    Around 850 of the Common Era, the Chinese invented a powdery mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate that, when ignited with a spark, created an explosion.

    Also known as 850 AD, or if you’re writing for a Western audience, the year 850 will suffice. Gotta push that anti-Christian narrative… What is the year 850 “of the Common Era” based on anyway? Are they hoping people will forget?

    In his gun article, I noticed that he didn’t get into the reasons of why people are shooting others or themselves. It’s another cookie-cutter gunz bad, 2A outdated, America bad article. This guy has nothing new to offer. What does he get paid for this very unoriginal content? It’s going to be funny when AI replaces people like this guy very soon.

    1. “The author said the shooter killed ‘himself.'”

      This among other things in this missive if stupid indicates the author didn’t really do any research. Its pure left wing anti-gun mis/dis-information they believe in their little world of mental illness confirmation bias and lack of understanding context.

    2. “What is the year 850 “of the Common Era” based on anyway? Are they hoping people will forget?”

      Exactly the point I’ve made to others in conversations. Changing it to the secular based “Common Era” still shows the changepoint between their preferred B.C.E. and C.E. as being the same as B.C. (Before Christ) and A.D. (The Year of Our Lord).

      If a young student who has never heard of God asks a teacher why the specific point in time, the answer would still have to be the original reason, which is the (observed) birth of Christ. So the attempt to move away from it doesn’t really move away from it.

  4. Did ya know the most successful and most plentiful owners of black and white slaves in the world are black people? Yep, even back in the time of slavery there were black slave owners who owned black slaves in the U.S. …but outside the U.S. back then the most plentiful slave owners were black people who owned slaves both white and black. And even today in black communities the world over and in cities the world over, and in the U.S. that black slave owner activity still exists in the form of sexual slavery via prostitution and addiction to drugs.

  5. This was published in an anti-civil rights homosexual news letter. Homosexual are socialist progressive in their political orientation.

    Are they all that way?

    No. The log cabin republicans were telling black people in 1980 to get guns.

    The rest of the white homosexuals want blacks disarmed. Because they voted for civilians to be disarmed.

    They supported the Mulford Act. The most racist modern day gun control law. And they refused to repeal it.