Biden Says He Wants To Hear Our ‘Gun Violence’ Stories, But He Probably Doesn’t Want To Hear Mine

Police crime scene investigation
(AP Photo//The Daily Times, Rebecca Craig)

A while back, the Biden Administration invited people to send President Biden a text. Curious to see what would happen, I did what many people did and sent one his way. But, like little Ralphie in A Christmas Story, I learned that there was no secret message and no special communication to be had. It was, in fact, a way for Biden to send a bunch of crummy commercials to my phone. Son of a bitch!

Since then, I’ve been a little wiser, but I still keep getting messages from Biden’s interns. And for some bizarre reason (morbid curiosity mostly…the human fascination with watching train wrecks) I haven’t unsubscribed. Recently, I got this message . . .

Okay, Joe. You asked for it. I have a story to share about how my community and family have been affected by “gun violence.” But it’s a story that doesn’t support the Democrats’ anti-gun agenda or that of his busily grifting friends in the gun control industry. So, instead of texting his intern back, I’m going to share my story here.

“Who Needs Guns When We Have Police?”


Nobody wants to hear that outside their home at 3:00 AM, whether they were sleeping soundly or a night owl who’s still awake. I stopped working to working checking my Ring cameras to see if there was a remaining threat anywhere in view. The kids had to be dragged out of bed and told to stay low to the floor. When we determined that everyone involved in the gunfight behind our house had run away, we went outside to see what we could see.

Police had already arrived and were walking around on the street behind our house, but they were in the wrong spot entirely. We searched ourselves and saw a bunch of casings along with a pistol magazine of some kind. We signaled to the police to come look and they initially didn’t even want to bother. Only when we shined a bright light at what was obviously a dumped magazine did they start getting the out evidence bags, markers, and cameras.

A couple of nights later, we heard someone try out a GLOCK switch in a nearby irrigation ditch. About a week later, we heard three distinct pistols shots on the street in front of our house. The police came out each time, basically shrugged their shoulders, and then left. It didn’t matter that we knew where the drug houses were, where someone had seen people run to, or even where we’ve heard someone yell, “Oh, shit! The cops are going to come now, puto!” after we heard a single gunshot that was probably a negligent discharge.

After that last one, the cops actually did something…they went to see if the gang bangers were OK after the discharge. If it had been a law-abider who had made that kind of stupid mistake, they’d be looking at an arrest or fine. But if you’re a gang banger involved in stealing packages, bikes, and other property, the police in New Mexico are mostly there to make sure you’re OK.

Police crime scene investigation bullet casing

With the police doing next to nothing about drug houses, squatters, and other neighborhood problems, about the only thing keeping us safe is armed citizens. They know who has the guns and is willing to fight them off, and they generally leave those houses alone. Everyone else has their property stolen, and then suffers from threats or vandalism if they dare to call the police.

Rather than watch Biden proudly announce that he basically formed two more committees to talk some more about gun bans, I’d rather see him actually do something to solve the root problems that drive the crime we and other Americans experience every day. Problems like revolving door criminal justice systems, cops afraid to do their jobs, the idiotic War on Drugs, zero bail laws, rampant poverty, and other problems could be solved…but none of those things will result in any fundraising opportunities.

I don’t know if anyone from the Biden administration or the New Mexico governor’s office will read this, but I want to make one thing absolutely clear — looking for ways to impair my defensive readiness is absolute crap if you can’t — or won’t — do anything to reduce the crime. Giving up my “assault weapons” would basically be a death sentence. I know that’s not what they want to hear, but it’s the truth.

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15 thoughts on “Biden Says He Wants To Hear Our ‘Gun Violence’ Stories, But He Probably Doesn’t Want To Hear Mine”

  1. Vichy America is here

    Every city is either ignoring their criminal element or actively protecting them. The big picture takeaway here is that “normal” folks are the enemy of the state and we are in hostile land.

    The invasion is over. The government is in the hands of the occupier. At least half the country is made up of loyalists chomping at the bit for any excuse to report you. All at varying degrees of course. The country and many states are too large to completely control but living on the edges of a society that hates you isn’t much better than living in the middle of it.

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “The big picture takeaway here is that “normal” folks are the enemy of the state and we are in hostile land.

      That’s changing faster than many realize, and in our favor.

      The very people the Leftist Scum have been importing by the *millions* are rapidly changing their voting habits to our side. In the next major election or the one following, the majority of the Latino population will be voting with *us*.

      That’s the reason the Democrats have changed their tune about a border wall. They now realize their little plan of mass-importing Latinos is about to ruin their plans of replacing the old fat white guys with loyal brown people to have a headlock on political power is blowing up in their faces *bigtime*.

      The poorer you are (not poor as in USA poor) the more likely you are to have conservative values. Add to that their personal experience of living in countries like Venezuela where socialist promises resulted in a dictatorship, and we have the very real potential of forever locking them out of political power…

      1. “That’s the reason the Democrats have changed their tune about a border wall.”

        Do you also believe they did a 180 on fracking because they’ve changed their tune on the “climate crisis?” AKA their war on affordable energy.

        It isn’t their pretend to be a normal person routine because it’s election season?

        1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

          “Do you also believe they did a 180 on fracking because they’ve changed their tune on the “climate crisis?””

          Not one bit, what’s different here is, get the legislation done and signed *before* the election…

  2. They are killing us with toxic food ingredients.

    They are killing us with glyphosate.

    They are killing us with genetically modified foods.

    They are killing us with flouride in t he water
    They are killing us with genetic manipulation disguised as vaccine s.

    They are killing with stratosphere aerosolized injections (chemtrails).

    They are killing us by drugging us.

    They are killing the pollinators essential to growing organic foods.

    They are importing thugs, murderers, and terrorists to disrupt and destroy our country.

    They want us unable to defend ourselves.

    Well, surprise, surprise! Not everyone is going to comply.

    1. They’re turning children’s brains to mush by getting them addicted to the internet.

      They’re using children’s shows to indoctrinate little kids into alternative secks* lifestyles.

      They’re replacing the population with people that have no connection to our history and culture. (So why would they defend it?) What they do have is a history of voting for so_shall_lists.

      The remaining population that isn’t being replaced, isn’t reproducing fast enough and/or they’re being turned into drone activists for the intersectional coalition.

    2. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      “They are killing us with genetically modified foods.”

      When the early hunter-gatherers started to change into an agriculture-based society by planting grains, they discovered that plants that produced more could be bred with other high-yield grains to develop a super-crop that could feed more people for far less work, on far smaller plot of land.

      That’s genetic modification, in action…

        1. Are you saying that you eat that ‘stuff’?

          I choose only truly organic, most of which comes from farmers I know and whose farms I have visited. Both for produce and meats.

      1. Geoff…………….,

        Yes! Today’s genetic modification techniques, and the substances they splice in, yield poison. As an experiment, we put organic cornsyrup on a dish, and genetically modified construction on an identical dish. The ants covered the dish with the organic feed. There were almost no ants feeding on the other dish. Seems like they figured out which is food and which is not.

      2. Selective breeding /= modern gene editing and comparisons between the two is a change over centuries vs a few months. Some errors take a while to show up in the population that consumes the product.

  3. “It was, in fact, a way for Biden to send a bunch of crummy commercials to my phone. Son of a bitch!”

    Funniest thing I’ve read in quite some time! Anyone who quotes “A Christmas Story” gets an A+ in my book!

  4. Problems like revolving door criminal justice systems, cops afraid to do their jobs, the idiotic War on Drugs, zero bail laws, rampant poverty, and other problems could be solved…but none of those things will result in any fundraising opportunities.

    Precisely, Jennifer. I recently made a similar comment on that other site. People need to understand that at the upper levels of government, they aren’t sitting around brainstorming about how to help the citizens. When they aren’t working out ways to pay their cronies and punish their enemies, they’re working on staying in power.

    I hear gunshots all the time where I live, but it’s people target practicing (not at 3 a.m.). It’s legal to shoot on your own property out in the county. If you live in the city, and you’re always hearing gunshots, maybe you should consider a move. Stay safe.

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