Bianco: Americans Won’t Be Free Until We Value Books More Than Guns

marcie bianco
Courtesy Marcie Bianco

Congress has been largely unwilling and, arguably, even resistant to pass gun control legislation since the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, which President George W. Bush allowed to expire in 2004. The first major piece of gun control legislation since this ban was the 2022 Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which implemented background checks for gun purchases under the age of 21 and outlawed the trafficking of illegal firearms. 

Even more egregious is the fact that books have been deemed dangerous and must be banned while guns have been protected fiercely. And therein lies the tragic reality of present-day America.

Rather than ban guns as a nationwide public safety effort, this political negligence (thanks in large part to a powerful gun lobby) has forced school administrators and teachers to emend school curricula and the environment around the credible threat of gun violence, with traumatizing active shooter drills and the instillation of carceral apparati like metal detectors and fences and locked doors. …

Guns kill. Books liberate. So why are books being banned, while guns are not? That guns are valued more than books in our society represents a devastating reality that the United States is hostile to our collective freedom.

— Marcie Bianco in The Georgia shooting exposes the tragic hypocrisy of present-day America

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19 thoughts on “Bianco: Americans Won’t Be Free Until We Value Books More Than Guns”

  1. I, for one, value books more than I value guns. But, I also recognize that books might be more dangerous than guns. Guns don’t undermine the moral fabric of a nation like gay smut undermines the moral, ethical, religious upbringing of children. I’ve read avidly for more than sixty years. As a kid, I probably read some stuff I shouldn’t have. As an adult, I’ve read stuff that I probably shouldn’t have. Books have power, starting with the fairy tales and other stories we choose to provide our children. Books have the most power during the formative years. Marcie knows that, and wants nothing more than to poison our children’s minds. She is more honest than a lot of talking heads.

    1. Well …….yeah nothing much to add on this as it covers the current situation perfectly. Damn Paul way to show everyone up.

  2. It’s a clear choice. You can either have guns or you can have books. You can learn to read or you can learnt shoot. You cannot do both.

    It is a well known historical fact that George Washington’s troops pummeled the Red Coats with hard cover tomes to push them off our shores. Similarly, France was liberated by bombarding the Germans with both short-range softbound books and burying them in long-range hard copy volumes.

    Sheesch….this woman needs to read a history book.

  3. She does know that the libtard mental midgets banning books…are the exact same libtard mental midgets trying to ban guns….right?

  4. Left wingers can’t be honest about anything. They’re the ones who have literally been banning books by conservatives for years now. They’re doing it in bookstores and places like Amazon. Publishers are canceling book deals when conservatives refuse to tow the line. P-o-r-n-o-g-r-a-p-h-y* hasn’t been banned! You can get any p-o-r-n-o-g-r-a-p-h-i-c* book you want in America. All conservatives normal people are asking for is age-appropriate and school-appropriate material. P-o-r-n-o-g-r-a-p-h-y* has no place in schools. Stop calling it book banning, and start calling it p-o-r-n* banning. Ban groomers.

    *comment wouldn’t even go to moderation

  5. ‘All-Inclusive’ Bookstore Co-Founded By RuPaul Yanks Conservative Titles Following Backlash

    Television host and activist RuPaul is a co-founder of the “all-inclusive” online bookstore Allstora, according to National Review. He started the online store with LGBTQ advocate and author Eric Cervini and drag performer Adam Powell.

    However, left-wing activists were outraged that Allstora offered titles by Donald Trump, Elon Musk, Matt Walsh, Riley Gaines, and Libs of TikTok founder Chaya Raichik, among others. At first, the website’s founders attempted to diffuse tension by promising to create “a community-led flagging system for titles that are contrary to our core values” and subsequently “donating all proceeds from these titles to fight book bans,” National Review noted.

    But that wasn’t enough. After three days of critics railing against Allstora for selling “homophobic,” “transphobic,” “anti-woke,” and “Nazi” books, the founders relented and removed all free speech messaging from the page, according to National Review. Many works by conservative authors were removed from the page, while some other titles remained available.

  6. Now second comment awaiting moderation.

    ATTENTION DAN, If you’re going to have this intrusive mod system, then allow us to edit comments. This is getting old. Put some effort into this site if you want to build it.

    Here’s the headline. I give up on providing any more detail. Long story short: it confirms what I mentioned above.

    ‘All-Inclusive’ Bookstore Co-Founded By RuPaul Yanks Conservative Titles Following Backlash

  7. Neocons for Harris

    There are no banned books in America. Sure, some shelves have decided not to carry certain books but those books are still available from millions of other shelves.

    There are NO book bans in America.

  8. Marcie,
    Guns kill as many people as books; ZERO. Only another person can kill another person. Books as guns are inanimate objects, what people choose to do with either is their choice.
    A book about a subject you/they dislike does nothing until someone you/they do something about it. A book about LGBTQ is just that; when you/they try and tell others that it is acceptable and their beliefs are not as such, that is where the problems arise. The media today are bombarding us with BS that many do not accept, they know it it is their plan. Lastly, I will not insult you Marcie, You are entitled to your opinions; We are also entitled to our opinions on guns as well as books. No one want to ban books, YES THEY WANT TO BAN GUNS. I think that
    books like videos and/or movies need an age rating. It needs to be an independent organization…BS! It needs to be their parents!!!

    1. “It needs to be their parents!”

      Parents aren’t at schools to protect their children from the groomers. Recall that the Puppet said, “These are our kids. These are our neighbors. Not somebody else’s kids; they’re all our kids.” There’s a reason he said that during “Pride day week month. He was telling the groomers in the school system that democrats are officially down with the agenda. Notice all of the democrat measures passed to be able to hide information from school children parents. “Tranz the kids” Tim Walz wanted his state to be a tranz sanctuary. The groomers are after your children.

      Don’t forget why we have a republican governor in Virginia. A boy that dresses as a girl secksually* assaulted a girl in the bathroom. The school system (Loudon County) tried their best to cover it up because they were trying to pass a measure to allow boys into girls restrooms. Groomers vote for democrats.

  9. David Deplorable

    She’s pretty attractive. Not. High value men want a woman who is fit (which she looks to be), feminine (not feminist) and submissive (pretty sure that’s in short supply at Marcie’s house). And those tats? Not classy. In other words, she’s going to die alone with her cats.

    By the way who is this chick and why should I not flush her opinions along with my morning constitutional?

    Marcie Bianco is a writer and editor based in California. She is the author of “Breaking Free: The Lie of Equality and the Feminist Fight for Freedom.” Sounds like she thinks feminism didn’t go far enough.

    1. Miss Bianco would be reasonably attractive were she not perpetually angry. The tattoo’s are accepted by men of her age. Alpha males don’t necessarily want a submissive woman. I myself like input and and ideas when discussing options and plans. Acquiescence to whatever idea may be presented isn’t a good thing. I’m almost positive that you meant that in the Biblical sense though.
      She is of course devoid of reason. Inanimate objects kill nothing. Ideas kill more people historically. Crusades, wars of succession, sectarian fighting. Just a few ‘ideas’ that killed humans.

    2. “She’s pretty attractive. Not. High value men want a woman who is fit (which she looks to be), feminine (not feminist) and submissive (pretty sure that’s in short supply at Marcie’s house).”

      Shes a liberal left wing idiot that advocates that elementary school kids should have “how to use your mouth on Bobby’s …” instructions in picture books in the library. She probably has a few “feminine (not feminist) and submissive” shackled up somewhere at home.