A Woman Saved Her Own Life Because She Knew How to Unload a Gun

Brantley Lloyd Tolleson
Dothan, Alabama police department

A woman’s quick thinking and knowledge of how to unload a gun may have saved her life.

For background, last week 43-year-old Brantley Lloyd Tolleson was arrested for attempted murder for taking out a handgun, pointing it at the woman and pulling the trigger.

Since this case, law enforcement has encouraged women to become familiar with firearms.

The woman escaped unharmed because she unloaded the weapon before Tolleson got his hands on it and pulled the trigger with the intent to kill her.

Having the knowledge of how a firearm works may have saved her life.

— Jacklynn Lambert in Law Enforcement Encourages More Women to Become Familiar With Firearms After Woman Saved Her Own Life by Unloading Gun

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3 thoughts on “A Woman Saved Her Own Life Because She Knew How to Unload a Gun”

  1. Chris T in KY

    Well this is the next best thing. If you can’t bring yourself to shoot someone. In order to save your own life.

  2. Tired of the bs

    I see a plea deal coming. He will say he knew it wasn’ loaded, prove otherwise.
    Da will offer a deal vs take the chance of loosing. Out in 6 months on paper for a while. Should get much longer

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