Ware, Mass. PD: You Can’t Dispense Tyranny and Label it Wisdom

By <a href="//commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:King_of_Hearts" title="User:King of Hearts">King of Hearts</a> - <span class="int-own-work" lang="en">Own work</span>, <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0" title="Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0">CC BY-SA 4.0</a>, <a href="https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=94906441">Link</a>
The Bay State’s wretched hive of scum and villainy (By King of HeartsOwn work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Link)

In a flagrant Trojan horse maneuver, the next stage of our “representatives’” unyielding attack on freedom has begun, while the House has once again displayed a brazen lack of scruples in using the Constitution of the United States as its personal wetwipe.

Filling to absolute capacity the brim of human indecency by shamefully exploiting the recent tragedy in Holyoke, where an unborn babe was slaughtered by stray gunfire, shines a verifiable spotlight on the defunct moral compass of Boss Mariano and his Congressional Cronies.

And since those fateful bullets were shot by two convicted felons, neither of whom held a license to carry, one of whom had an open firearms case against him at the time of the shooting, and wherewith nothing in this ridiculous Bill would have stayed their murderous hands, it begs the question of the true intent of HD4607.

Massachusetts already has in place some of the strictest gun laws in the country. And if the architects of this Bill were truly concerned with the general welfare of the people, they would not attempt to implement with coercive force new restrictions that only hinder responsible, forthright Americans from protecting their families and preserving their cherished values. Rather than smiting the tree of independence and poisoning the well of freedom, rather than disenfranchising our national spirit and stripping our sovereignty to its core, perhaps those representatives in Congress should enact and support systems to punish the criminal few, perhaps minimum mandatory sentences should be increased AND ACTUALLY EXECUTED BY OUR JUDICIARY, to hold accountable these wanton hoodlums who couldn’t give a wooden nickel about any of our laws in the first place, and to whom the inked provisions of this Bill would hold about as much weight as a soggy waffle.

Here is what a proper gun Bill might contain: 1st Offense, 2.5 years incarceration. 2nd Offense, 10 years incarceration. 3rd offense, permanent incarceration. Minimum mandatory, no exceptions; with a strong focus on mental health rehabilitation, work/life experience training, and enabling smoother pathways to higher education while incarcerated.

At best this Bill is a futile, knee-jerk reaction to a public crisis, a fool’s plan hastily scribbled upon a piece of cheap stationary. At worst, it is nothing less than another step on the slow march towards complete authoritarianism.

Disarming the good guys is simply not a workable strategy to reduce gun violence. Because logic demands that if you criminalize firearms, only CRIMINALS will have FIREARMS.

That is why the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association proudly, vigorously, and unanimously opposes this Bill.

The Second Amendment cannot be destroyed wholesale. Congress knows this. Therefore, they have opted, through this Bill, and through many subsequent, to slay the beast a little at a time. Death by a thousand pinpricks. Until the last syllable of that meddlesome phrase “shall not be infringed” is brushed away like so much crumbling ash.

But you cannot dispense tyranny and label it wisdom. Cannot force-feed us oppression and call it security.

For those citizens who welcome and support this Bill, who firmly believe that these edicts ushered from an ivory tower will somehow increase the general welfare and promote the safety of our great State, we recognize your desire to see positive change, we admire your noble cause to make a difference, we respect your demands to force politicians into doing something more than merely provide lip service in the form of empty thoughts and prayers. But if you happily conclude that the framers of this Bill have our best interests in mind, we gravely implore you to never forget those portentous words, spoken so long ago, at the advent of a similar despotism: “This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.”

— Ware, Massachusetts Police Department via Facebook

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