Proud Anti-Gun Defund-the-Police Advocate Facing DOJ, Ethics Investigations Over Private Security Expenditures

Missouri Rep. Cori Bush
Courtesy Cori Bush Facebook

One of the leading and loudest voices calling for more gun control is getting increased scrutiny after she spent nearly $1 million on private security for herself, all while calling for law-abiding citizens to lose their rights and proclaiming avowed support for the “defund the police” movement.

U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) confirmed to media that she is now facing criminal investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the House of Representatives Ethics Committee all pertaining to the second-term congresswoman’s alleged misuse of campaign funds to pay for private security services.

“I also believe in transparency which is why I can confirm that the Department of Justice is reviewing my campaign’s spending on security services,” Rep. Bush said after the new investigations were announced.

Rep. Bush is the latest – and possibly the most hypocritical – example of “Rights for me, not for thee.” Her gun control activism pushes restrictions on law-abiding Americans and severely limits their ability to protect themselves. In the same breath, she’ll casually explain away why she pays exorbitant amounts for private protection.

“So Suck it Up”

Rep. Bush was first elected to Congress in 2021 in a St. Louis-based congressional district and has supported gun control efforts in Congress whenever she’s given a chance. That’s earned her the endorsement of Everytown for Gun Safety, which makes perfect sense. She’s also one of the biggest proponents of the “defund the police” movement in Congress. She’s remained steadfast in her disdain for the police even after facing backlash for those sentiments in her own party.

Courtesy Cori Bush Facebook

“I always tell [fellow Democrats], ‘If you all had fixed this before I got here, I wouldn’t have to say these things,’” Rep. Bush said.

More recently, when asked about claims that the congresswoman was spending campaign funds on a private security detail while also calling for law enforcement to be defunded, Rep. Bush sounded familiar.

“I’m going to make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life and I have too much work to do,” she told media in 2022. “So, if I end up spending $200,000, if I spend… 10 more dollars on it, you know what? I get to be here to do the work. So, suck it up, and defunding the police has to happen.”

The DOJ investigation centers on allegations of how Rep. Bush paid for private security services, including paying her now-husband more than $120,000 over two years from campaign coffers. That individual, according to media reports, hasn’t even held a lawful “private security license” to operate in Missouri since 2012.

Back home in St. Louis, Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Tracy spoke about the crime surge plaguing the city. St. Louis has recorded 20 murders so far in 2024, compared to 11 at this time last year, and is currently understaffed with 334 vacancies with only 24 new recruits in the police academy right now.

Familiar Hypocrisy

If Rep. Bush’s comments about why she’s deserving of private security and other Americans aren’t sounds familiar, that’s because they’ve been spoken before.

Everytown for Gun Safety – which has endorsed Rep. Bush for re-election due to her support of their gun control agenda – was founded and is funded by billionaire and failed presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg. During his failed 2020 presidential bid, Bloomberg participated in a Fox News Town Hall and his Second Amendment hypocrisy was on full display.

The former New York City mayor fielded an audience question regarding his strict gun control platform while he relies on paid private protection. The question was as stunning as it was simple. “Does your life matter more than mine, or my family’s or these people’s?”

Bloomberg dismissively responded, “Alright, look…I probably get forty or fifty threats every week…That just happens when you’re the mayor of New York City, or very wealthy, or campaigning for the president of the United States. You’re gonna get lots of threats.”

This hypocritical and familiar line of belief should enrage constituents back in Rep. Bush’s district in St. Louis. Not only must they live with threats of criminal violence every day and a severely limited police presence to provide protection, but they also have far fewer options for self-defense due to the gun control efforts by anti-Second Amendment activists like Michael Bloomberg and Congresswoman Bush.

Reckless Representation

The new investigations by DOJ, FEC and House Ethics are at their most basic about campaign finance violations – they aren’t particularly about the Second Amendment. However, a couple of points are worth highlighting about Rep. Bush’s track record and how that voting record affects her voters.

Black women are among the fastest growing demographics for new gun owners in the country over the past three years. That data comes from NSSF retailer survey data, from the National African American Gun Association and other media reporting, including

The Cut, which reported “The New Face of American Gun Ownership: Black women are pushing against the (white, rural, and male) stereotype.”

Rep. Bush has a track record of making it more difficult for law-abiding African American women in her congressional district to obtain a legal firearm. She has supported implementing waiting periods on firearm purchases, expanding background check requirements beyond what is already required by the FBI’s National Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification process.

She supports banning the most commonly-owned semiautomatic rifles (modern sporting rifles) available for her constituents to purchase. NSSF data shows there are more than 28 million in private circulation since 1990 and plenty of media reports demonstrate their popularity among Black women who choose the popular firearm for self-defense purposes.

As more details of the DOJ investigation into Rep. Bush’s use of campaign funds to pay for private security come to light, voters will continue to be reminded that the congresswoman believes her personal safety and security is more important than their own and she continues to vote against them.

That hypocrisy is a disgusting theme that is all too familiar among some of gun control’s most vocal supporters.



Matt Manda is Manager, Public Affairs for the National Shooting Sports Foundation


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