Massachusetts Gun Owners Begin Process to Repeal Radical New Gun Control Laws

petition signature

Gun owners have taken the first step toward putting before Massachusetts voters a proposal to repeal the firearms law signed on July 25 by Gov. Maura Healey, a statute the governor called the “most significant gun safety legislation in a decade.”

A referendum petition seeking to repeal the law was submitted to the state elections division with the signatures of 10 registered voters, the first step in a process which could land the question on the 2026 ballot.

“We started the process in filing a referendum petition to repeal the law,” Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) Executive Director Jim Wallace told the State House News Service. “This is a flat-out ban on the Second Amendment regardless of what they tell people. Regardless of what you feel about guns, the law as it stands is unenforceable.”

GOAL won’t be organizing the referendum effort, a job that Wallace said will be up to a special campaign committee.

“There’s plenty of people who would be willing to step up and take care of that,” he said.

— Michael P. Norton in Gun law opponents begin repeal campaign

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4 thoughts on “Massachusetts Gun Owners Begin Process to Repeal Radical New Gun Control Laws”

    1. Or if it gets tossed by the end of the decade in court. No quick or easy ways in the blue states so get all you can get while you can get it in free America.

      1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

        The citizens need to hold those accountable who disrespect the constitution.

        (If necessary, get *creative*…)

        1. Malicious compliance and rapid dissemination of legal options the commies missed are almost a sport up my way

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