Lefties Horrified Young White Men Can Buy 50 Rounds of Ammo Without Triggering a SWAT Raid

After the weekend’s events in Pennsylvania, it’s proven more difficult than usual for lefties and the gun control industry to formulate their talking points. MSNBC was apparently worried enough that the Star Wars bar collection of talking heads that staff ‘Morning Joe’ would compare the Republican National Convention (which starts today in Milwaukee) to a Nuremberg rally or wax wistfully about Thomas Crooks’ poor aiming skills that they actually pulled one of their most popular shows today.

While some have completely eschewed the President’s weekend attempts to lower the political temperature and are continuing to let their murderous freak flag proudly fly, others have simply glitched and are defaulting to their source code.

Apropos of the Star Wars bar, ‘The View’s’ Anna Navarro could only point out that the shooting in Butler wasn’t carried out by a drag queen, an immigrant, or a “pissed off liberal woman,” but, as she described him, a “20-year-old lone wolf white wack job with easy access to a gun.” Her solution: we have to have…a conversation about that.

Translation: we need to regulate guns much more strictly.

That’s when the always-reliable Joy Behar chimed in. She’s appalled — absolutely appalled — to learn that adults have such easy access to ammunition.

Okay, I just want to add that the shooter was a 20-year-old kitchen worker from nearby Bethel Park in Pennsylvania. According to a CNN report, a senior law enforcement official said that he bought 50 rounds from a local gun store hours before the rally.

Shouldn’t that have been reported? Somebody buys…a 20-year-old white guy? I mean we’ve seen that many times now. Young white men with guns and nobody reported that he bought 50 rounds of ammunition?

Strap yourself in. The post assassination attempt week is just beginning and the RNC doesn’t get under way until today, so there’s much more to come.


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17 thoughts on “Lefties Horrified Young White Men Can Buy 50 Rounds of Ammo Without Triggering a SWAT Raid”

  1. SAFEupstateFML

    They will be terribly upset to learn they don’t have the votes to change that or the influence to get anyone to give a fuck that doesn’t already. Terrible shame simply awful.

    1. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

      They had better be grateful Trump wasn’t killed, because a fair number of them stupid enough to put their cheering Trump was dead on YouTube would get more than a few of them attacked in response…

      1. SAFEupstateFML

        Well they never had to live under threat or have to back up their trash talk so not like they even realize how real things can get. I don’t know how involved it was but I know damn well I was monitored by NYs DOH for not taking the shot and have had a few fun questions over the years for having a pistol permit. So having to be ready for court and know where the line is on what can be posted without impacting one’s family were needed knowledge. The sad part is I had it easy compared to many private sector workers up here who don’t have even feeble union protection from the whims of the current thing.

  2. LampOfDiogenes

    I was going to ask “are they REALLY so stupid that they don’t “get” that I go through more ammunition than that EVERY time I go to the range?!?!” – and then reality caught up with me. It was two of the stupidest women on the face of the planet, so YES, they were exactly that stupid. I find it ironic that the Lefties are so big on “require training and licenses”, and then when I go to the range and fire off a couple hundred rounds, I’m suddenly ‘assembling an large cache of ammunition!!!”. Which is it, hoplophobes? Do you want me to be practiced and competent with my firearms, or do you want to freak out when I buy the couple hundred rounds needed to MAINTAIN that competence??

    Nevermind, logic doesn’t enter into this.

    1. Neither. They want you disarmed and defenseless. You’re not supposed to ask what they want to do to you that requires disarming you first.

  3. .40 cal Booger

    50 rds? That’s it? I go through a few hundred rounds easy on a range trip.

    Joy…If it wasn’t for makeup to glue her together that old liberal hag face would have fallen off already.

    1. They’ll be shocked to learn that the live fire qualification requirement for a permit to carry a handgun in NJ is 50 rounds at various distances and it previously was 100 rounds.

      1. It’s 50 here in Colorado as well, but when I got my CCW back in the 2000’s, all I needed was my Hunter Safety card. (I still took a couple of classes though. I’m not stupid.)

  4. It’s comical. They are so ignorant, they don’t know they make fools of themselves every time they open their mouths. What kind of people watch these idiots?

  5. With so many lefties saying that the shooter should have had better aim, you’d think they’d have wanted him to buy a lot more rounds to practice with.

  6. I always walk in to my gun shop and ask for just 4 rounds for my 6 chamber .357 revolver and only 1 7mm round for my hunting rifle.

    I won’t ask how ignorant and biased the folks of the DNC/media complex are, we already know and hopefully our county folks are learning.