Gun Control Industry Shoving Their Cash at the Kamala Harris Campaign

Gabby Giffords Kamala Harris
Courtesy Ali Main, CNN via X

Gun control activists are ramping up spending to elect presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris president and help Democrats capture the House of Representatives in November. 

GIFFORDS, a gun violence prevention group founded by former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, on Friday announced a $15 million campaign targeting battleground state voters. The ad buy is for television, digital advertising and direct mail, as well as for sending Giffords and surrogates to stump for Harris and down-ballot candidates who support tougher gun laws. 

“With just over 100 days until election day, GIFFORDS will redouble its efforts to support champions who are committed to saving lives — including ensuring that Vice President Kamala Harris becomes the next president of the United States,” said Emma Brown, executive director for GIFFORDS.

The multi-million dollar campaign will focus on swing states like Michigan and Arizona for the presidential election, and swing congressional districts in California and New York, which could determine control of the House of Representatives next year, NBC News first reported.

“Across the country, Americans are crystal clear: they want elected leaders who stand up to the gun lobby and put public safety first,” said Brown.

— Chris Pandolfo in Giffords group to spend $15 million to support Harris and anti-gun candidates

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3 thoughts on “Gun Control Industry Shoving Their Cash at the Kamala Harris Campaign”

  1. “Erich Pratt, the senior vice president for Gun Owners of America, a Second Amendment group, cast doubt on the contention that gun control is a motivating issue for large swathes of voters.

    “It’s undeniable that the policies of Kamala Harris and this administration are responsible for the crime crisis our nation currently faces. Threatened confiscation of common self-defense firearms, coupled with soft on crime officials at the state and local levels in major urban centers across the country, have not helped Americans feel safe,” Pratt told Fox News Digital in a statement.

    “If groups like GIFFORDS really cared about reducing violence, they’d be urging Harris, a former prosecutor herself, to mobilize U.S. attorneys offices against violent criminals. But instead, they would prefer to push unconstitutional disarmament that leaves everyday Americans defenseless. That won’t play well with swing state voters.”

    (excerpt from second half of this Fox News article)

  2. Jesse Cole MD

    I have read that 10 million gun owners are not registered to vote. If you want to do something, get registered and vote as if your gun rights depend on it.

    1. Don’t sit around hoping your gun owning neighbor registers to vote and votes. Be an activist citizen. Register that neighbor yourself. Persuade that neighbor to vote for your candidate. Make sure that neighbor actually votes. Talk is cheap. Be a doer.

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