Good Luck With That – Florida Lawmakerx Try to Undo Florida’s Knee-Jerk Post-Parkland Gun Control Laws

Former Florida Senate President, Sen. Kathleen Passidomo

The bill allows the open carrying of firearms, and it ends Florida’s red flag law. Since the Parkland reforms, the policy has allowed friends, family, or law enforcement to ask a judge to strip away firearms from those deemed a threat to themselves or others.

[Rep. Dr. Joel] Rudman told us it’s got to go to bolster the Second Amendment. That’s despite support from some fellow Republicans, police, and sheriffs who think the law has saved lives.

“So there’s absolutely no safety issue involved with my bill,” said Rudman. “Again, there’s an old saying that ‘Those who are willing to sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither.’ And I absolutely 100% agree with that.”

Both of the bills likely face steep odds of passing. The former Senate President, Sen. Kathleen Passidomo (R-Naples), said lowering the buying age was a “nonstarter” for her earlier this year. The new Senate President Sen. Ben Albritton (R-Bartow) was down on open carry, given the widespread opposition from law enforcement.

Democrats meanwhile likely to be universally opposed. Sen. Carlos Guillermo Smith (D-Orlando) wanted to go in the opposite direction and tighten current gun laws next session.

“Downtown Orlando, we had a mass shooting on Halloween that law enforcement said permitless carry prevented them from doing security screenings,” said the lawmaker. “We need to have conversations around this to protect public safety.”

— Forrest Saunders in Possible Repeal of Post-parkland Gun Rules Returns as Session Looms

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