Eighth Circuit Won’t Rehear Decision Striking Down Minnesota’s Ban on Gun Purchases by Young Adults

Tim Walz Fudd
Governor Fudd isn’t happy.

A federal appeals court ruled that Minnesota’s law that bans people ages 18 to 20 from obtaining permits to carry guns is unconstitutional, prompting criticism over Governor Tim Walz’s stance on the Second Amendment. 

“As a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment, I welcome the federal appeals court’s decision regarding Minnesota’s law. This ruling affirms the constitutional rights of all law-abiding citizens to bear arms,” Republican Minnesota Rep. Pete Stauber said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “It is crucial, especially at a time when crime rates are a concern, that individuals have the means to protect themselves and their families.”

Stauber, who has served in the House of Representatives since January 2019, is known for his background in law enforcement and his focus on public safety.

“Governor Walz’s administration has indeed taken positions that many, including myself, view as hostile toward the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. This ruling is a reminder of the importance of protecting these liberties against overreach,” Stauber continued. 

“This decision is not just about carrying guns; it’s about respecting and upholding our constitutional rights. It is a significant step toward ensuring that these rights are preserved for all Minnesotans,” Stauber said. 

— Stepheny Price in Gun control bill signed by Gov. Walz amid crime wave struck down as Second Amendment advocates sound off

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