Duty to Retreat Is What Will Finally Make California the Gun Safety Utopia it Longs to Be

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7 thoughts on “Duty to Retreat Is What Will Finally Make California the Gun Safety Utopia it Longs to Be”

  1. In the UK, you don’t have a right to pray in your own home if you’re near a abortion mill women’s health clinic, and someone walking by sees you doing it. Dems would love to have that here. They despise the BOR.

    Anyone found guilty of breaking the law will face an unlimited fine.

    The relevant zones also need to be on or next to a public highway or road, in an open space to which the public has access, or within the area of land attached to an abortion clinic, or in a location that is visible from any of those areas.

    UK PM the other day: “And of course, he’s (VP Vance) right to champion free speech. We champion free speech in the United Kingdom.” 🤡

    1. Chris T in KY

      In america you will be arrested if you pray outside an abortion clinic. That has been going on in Colorado.

      They don’t like the 1st amendment there.

  2. Geoff "I'm getting too old for this shit" PR

    If they do this, it will accelerate the exodus out of California at a faster rate.

    When the 2030 census hits, we stand to gain about 28 electoral votes. Those choosing to ‘Vote with their feet’ are literally changing the electoral landscape under the Leftist Scum’s ™ feet, and they don’t realize it yet in large numbers.
    Surprise! 😉

  3. Chris T in KY

    Freedom is messy. And it gets even more messy when you don’t accept the responsibility that goes with it.

    Unfortunately the people in california have found many a different golden calf to worship. So the important things are just ignored.

    There are lots of “bread and circuses” to keep the people distracted.