Blue State AGs Having Trouble Making the Case for Their States’ Unconstitutional Restrictions on the 2A Rights

wait confused meme

Hawaii argues it needs to be able to inspect guns after they’re purchased because people may be acquiring or making “ghost guns” which are banned in Hawaii. But if someone is breaking the law to make or acquire an illegal homemade gun…why would they go to the trouble to get a purchase permit first?

— Kostas Moros at X

Yukutake v. Lopez


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9 thoughts on “Blue State AGs Having Trouble Making the Case for Their States’ Unconstitutional Restrictions on the 2A Rights”

  1. I do not know if it is true, but I read that Oprah Winfrey has recently become the largest land owner in Maui. I wonder how that happened.

    BTW, by “…largest land owner…” I meant her real estate holdings…not her weight.

    1. .40 cal Booger

      “by “…largest land owner…” I meant her real estate holdings…not her weight.”

      Her ego is pretty large.

    1. I Haz A Question

      Google Larry Ellison (co-founder of Oracle) and his recent purchase of 95% of an entire Hawai’ian island for almost $90 billion three years ago…that will make your mind bend.