By Salam Fatohi
A recent Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health report came out with several recommendations to reduce “gun violence.” The five-point plan, constructed by the school’s “Consortium for Risk-Based Firearm Policy,” promotes the idea that gun ownership would be better treated as a privilege and not as a right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution for all law-abiding citizens.
That consortium is part of Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions, which views “gun violence” as a public health emergency. That’s the same sort of language that foisted disproven mask mandates and vaccinations to prevent COVID-19, which were later revealed to do nothing to stop the pandemic’s spread and the vaccine regimen didn’t actually vaccinate at all. NSSF has said it before. Criminal misuse of firearms isn’t a disease. It’s a crime issue. Treating crime as a public health crisis that can be “cured” is, and will always be, ineffective. Stopping crime means enforcing criminal laws against criminals that commit crimes.

This is the same “gun control in a lab coat” approach that former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy took in the waning days of the Biden administration, after he promised Congress he wouldn’t. Of course, the Johns Hopkins consortium report doesn’t recommend locking up criminals that break the law. It recommends new restrictive gun licensing laws that only create barriers to lawful firearm ownership by those who don’t break the law.
Call it Crime
It shouldn’t take a doctorate degree to understand that criminals, by the very definition, don’t follow the law. Layering on new laws won’t make criminals stop committing crimes. What does stop them is putting them behind bars.
Nevertheless, the “smart” people at Johns Hopkins came up with their five-point plan for gun licensing they claim would bring down the rates of “gun violence.” That plan recommends that in order for law-abiding citizens to purchase guns, states adopt proof of firearm safety training, fingerprint every prospective gun purchaser, conduct in-person interviews to obtain a permit-to-purchase a firearm, endure a “comprehensive” background check and be subject to waiting periods before taking possession of a firearm even after having passed a “comprehensive” background check.
These recommendations are fraught with problems. First among them are questions of whether these would intrude on rights protected by the Second Amendment. The “smart” people at Johns Hopkins pitch their permit-to-purchase idea as “ensuring that only eligible and responsible people can legally purchase firearms.”
That begs the question, though, that if the problem isn’t with law-abiding gun owners, how would this prevent prohibited individuals from obtaining firearms? Those are individuals who have been convicted of a felony, been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility or aren’t of legal age.
The consortium’s report admits that those who are ineligible or would illegally straw purchase a firearm for someone who can’t buy one on their own, wouldn’t be deterred. However, they fail to mention that criminals convicted of their crimes involving firearms admitted that they obtained their gun illegally. A Bureau of Justice Statistics survey showed that in 2016, 90 percent of criminals convicted of a crime involving a firearm admitted to obtaining it illegally. Most of them got the gun they used in a crime through the black market. The FBI warns that firearm theft is a growing concern as a source of criminally-obtained firearms.
Rejected Policy
Another of the consortium’s recommendations is a gun control policy masquerading as a “public health emergency.” The policy they want states to adopt is “universal background checks,” which necessitates a national firearm registry to work. That idea was rejected by Congress because it would put every law-abiding American on a government watch list, simply for exercising their rights to keep and bear arms.
Recent history has shown that states are irresponsible with gun owners’ private information. It’s been conveniently “leaked” by states perennially pushing more gun control. The private data of over 190,000 Californians with concealed carry permits was “leaked” and downloaded about 2,734 times. The names and addresses of handgun permit holders in two New York counties were published on an interactive map, jeopardizing their safety and creating a criminals’ Christmas list of where they know they could try to steal guns.

The consortium says none of this should be of legal concern. Their report notes that the U.S. Supreme Court struck down New York’s “may issue” concealed carry licensing law over the proper cause requirement. However, they argue that lower courts are grappling with whether those same standards should apply to state permits-to-purchase, even going as far as saying those permit restrictions, which would include an in-person interview to justify a purchase, would be constitutional under the Second Amendment.
They cited Illinois’s Firearm Owner Identification card. That state law required an individual to obtain a state permission slip to buy a gun or ammunition. The report fails to mention that the requirement was just ruled unconstitutional for an individual possessing a firearm in their own home. When it comes to the consortium’s recommendation for a mandatory waiting period for lawful firearm purchases, a federal court in Maine just enjoined the state’s 72-hour waiting period law violates Second Amendment rights.
Same Players, Same Old Ideas
These aren’t novel ideas. They’ve been rinsed and repeated by gun control groups, policy think tanks and medical professionals for decades in the hopes of instituting gun control under the guise of a “public health emergency.” It’s easy to trace the agenda when someone traces the money. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for Gun Violence Solutions is funded by none other than antigun billionaire Michael Bloomberg. He’s the same gun control fat cat that bankrolls Everytown for Gun Safety and March for Our Lives gun control groups, as well as The Trace. He drops tens of millions into Congressional and presidential races to advance his gun control vision. He even flirted with his own presidential run before flaming out after admitting guns were fine for him but not every other law-abiding American.
The consortium’s report was also funded by The Joyce Foundation, which regularly partners with universities to propel their gun control agenda. The Joyce Foundation “financed scholarships for law schools to promote a legal theory that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual’s right to bear arms, claiming the amendment guaranteed a state government’s right to arm an organized militia,” according to When the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the individual right to keep and bear arms under Heller, The Joyce Foundation switched tactics, labeling gun control as a “public health” issue.
The Joyce Foundation also gave “tens of millions of dollars to fund more than 100 anti-gun grants to researchers at Harvard University, the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence, International Association of Chiefs of Police, Freedom States Alliance, Iowans for the Prevention of Gun Violence, the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence, and Wisconsin Anti-Violence Effort. In past years, the organization has devoted 10 percent of its outlays to gun control grants,” according to
The board of directors and day-to-day leadership include gun control advocates, and even former President Barack Obama was on the board from 1994-2002.
These “smart” people at universities should know by now that their attempts to wrap a political agenda in a white lab coat isn’t the prescription that will work. The American public deserves better than gun control disguised as a cure.
“Layering on new laws won’t make criminals stop committing crimes. What does stop them is putting them behind bars.”
(for violent criminals, as of 2023) – 67% of released state prisoners are rearrested within three years and 84% are arrested at least once during a ten year follow-up, and almost 50% of released federal prisoners are rearrested within a two to three year span, for committing a violent crime of some sort – it doesn’t seem that putting them behind bars stops or deters them either. But one thing that does stop or deter them is shooting them when they show up to commit their violent crime.
It does stop them — while they’re behind bars. They cannot commit crimes against society at large while they’re locked up.
What you’re describing is more about failed rehabilitation. Lots of guys commit crimes, serve their time, and then commit more crimes.
So that begs the question — why the HELL are we letting them out? Why is there a time limit on how long someone gets locked up for? Why isn’t the standard “is this guy ready and fit to serve peaceably in society?” If the answer is no, then don’t let him out. If the answer is yes, he’s a changed man, he poses no threat to society anymore, then let him out. This whole “I served my time” attitude is insane. The prison system needs serious reform, starting at the most basic level: why do we even have prisons? And the answer is not and should not be “to punish criminals”, it should be “to keep society free from bad actors who cannot and will not live peaceably among society.” Once you’ve proven you’re a rapist/murderer/kidnapper, that’s it — you blew your chance, you are kicked out of society, prison is where you go.
Prison isn’t and shouldn’t be about “rehabilitation”. That’s never been and should never be the focus of prisons. All the charity groups in the world who want to conduct rehabilitation services and classes and such are welcome to, and God bless them on that mission. But prison is for when somebody has proven that they are a danger to society and they need to be removed from society.
Hell, that’s what the mass deportation is about: we have illegal aliens living here illegally who don’t belong here, so we’re getting them out of our society. Same thing with violent criminals — they should be deported from society, into prisons, where they can no longer rape and kill and molest and abuse and otherwise commit violence against peaceable members of society.
If someone can prove to a reasonable person’s jury that they have renounced violence, disassociated from any and all gang members, gotten appropriate psychiatric treatment or whatever they need to do, so that they are now capable of and willing to live peaceably among the rest of society, that’s when society can consider the debt repaid and allow that person back into society.
But to let them out, unchanged, because a certain amount of time has passed? How stupid are we?
It’s time for real, Trump-style, DOGE-style prison reform. Hegseth said it to the military, the military isn’t about “righting racial injustice” or “fighting climate injustice” or all the other hogwash it’s gotten caught up in; the military exists to be the most lethal fighting force on the planet. Same thing needs to happen to prisons, we all need to recalibrate our attitudes so that prison becomes the place where the most dangerous, derelict, deranged, evil bastards on the planet get locked up and stay locked up until either they change their ways and become genuinely good people, or they die. No more sentencing “for 1 year” or “for 5 years” or whatever. That’s pure insanity.