Magpul’s TMAG Translucent AR Magazines Are Finally Here

Magpul TMAG translucent AR magazine

Back in January, Magpul announced their new TMAG translucent AR STANAG magazine, a first for the company. They said they were coming soon. Well, soon is now.

Magpul TMAG translucent AR magazine

From Magpul . . .

It took us a while, but the TMAG 30 AR/M4 GEN M3, Magpul’s 30-round translucent magazine for use with STANAG-compatible weapons chambered in 5.56×45 NATO/.223 Remington, is finally ready. Developing a translucent magazine with the features and reliability that we expect has required a significant level of effort in materials science development, advanced engineering, and in-depth, repetitive testing. Lots and lots of testing. While the concept of a translucent magazine isn’t new, the commitment to making one that’s the most durable one in the world is.

Magpul TMAG translucent AR magazine

The TMAG meets our rigorous GEN M3 standards for functionality and repeatable reliability, and it’s also the only one that passes the strict Department of Defense Test Operation Procedures for full weapons drops, as well as other dust and chemical reliability tests. Our production continues to ramp up to meet incredible demand for the TMAG, but they are now available in stores and online in limited—but growing—quantities.

Price = $23.95


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3 thoughts on “Magpul’s TMAG Translucent AR Magazines Are Finally Here”

  1. No one of Consequence

    Um, okay. I think I’ll stick with Lancers, at that price and this time, since I already went through my “clear mags are kewl” phase of AR ownership…..

    1. For a time Winchester sold 30 round boxes of 5.56 on stripper clips with the guide “spoons” included. The LGS was selling them on closeout for $14. The guides don’t work with Lancers mags. I really like the Lancers so I was a bit disappointed.