Magpul Now Makes DAKA GRID Organizers for 16 Different Case

DAKA GRID organizing system

Magpul’s DAKA GRID organizing system is one of the best new accessories to come out in the last few years. It combines a base grid and a system of closed cell foam blocks you can plug in where you want to customize the interior of your case. That lets you create exactly the configuration you need to hold your rifle, magazines, a pistol, a suppressor, tools, ammo….pretty much whatever guns and gear you want to tote around.

DAKA GRID organizing system

Now Magpul has expanded the range of cases in which you can use the DAKA to include more Pelican and Plano models. That brings the total number of DAKA GRID-compatible cases to sixteen.

DAKA GRID organizing system

Lucky me, I happen to own a Pelican 1700, so a DAKA organizer just made it onto my Christmas list. I sure hope Santa thinks I’ve been a good boy.

From Magpul . . .

The DAKA GRID Organizer is a precision-fit rifle case solution that provides better protection to your firearms and gear, and can be reconfigured to fit multiple loadouts, all based on your needs. Literally going on a case-by-case basis, we made the GRID Organizers to specifically fit the most prevalent cases on the market, and we continue to expand the line, so no case goes without a GRID Organizer. Using our GRID Panels and Blocks, there’s no more cutting or plucking foam to fit one gun, making it a one-use-only solution, and they offer better immobilization and support for your valuable equipment. Those Blocks and Panels are also made from EPP material, so chemicals, dirt, and other contaminants no longer are trapped against your guns and gear.

DAKA GRID organizing system

DAKA GRID Organizer Features:

    • Endlessly customizable, and GRID panels can be removed or trimmed to create space for wider gear
    • Lightweight
    • Easy to use
    • Better protection than current foam options
    • Not just for firearms; can be used for all types of gear
    • Easy to clean with a damp cloth
    • Resists absorbing liquids and chemicals
    • Temperature stable

DAKA GRID Organizer Price: 


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2 thoughts on “Magpul Now Makes DAKA GRID Organizers for 16 Different Case”

  1. I recently picked up a pelican case to house some expensive items that I purchased used without a case. I was happy to see that it came with full foam padding that you could customize by pulling apart pieces. You had to cut the foam to alter it vertically. It’s my first pelican case. They work great.