Franklin Armory’s New AR-ELITE Binary Trigger for AR Pattern Rifles

Franklin Armory BFS AR Elite binary trigger

Franklin Armory, Inc., one of America’s most innovative manufacturers of firearms and accessories, announced today the latest model in its Binary Firing System lineup. The new AR-ELITE Binary trigger for AR-style semiautomatic firearms features interchangeable straight and curved trigger bows, and will allow for future custom configurations including popular anodized color options of both the trigger bows and ambidextrous selector paddles.

In addition to allowing the end-user to swap between straight and curved trigger bows, AR-ELITE also features multiple hammer, trigger, and buffer springs to precisely fine-tune the Binary trigger for use in a variety of AR platforms and calibers. Installation of the new AR-ELITE Binary trigger remains just as easy as the original AR-C1 (curved trigger) and AR-S1 (straight trigger) models, and provides for the same release round cancellation as with all other Franklin Armory Binary triggers.

The new AR-ELITE Binary trigger will replace Franklin Armory’s prior models for the AR platform. Accordingly, the AR-C1 and AR-S1 will be discontinued and discounted while supplies last. MSRP for the new AR-ELITE is $429.99, which is the same as the current (pre-discontinued pricing) MSRP for both AR-C1 and AR-S1.

“The new AR-ELITE Binary trigger is another example of our commitment to create exceptional value for our customers,” said Franklin Armory President Jay Jacobson. “For the same price as our previous fixed trigger bow design, users can now change the trigger bow feel on their own at home. In the near future, additional trigger bow and paddle color variations will be available at local retailers and the Franklin Armory website.”

For more information about the new AR-ELITE Binary trigger and other triggers in the patented Binary Firing System lineup, visit You can also keep up to date on new product announcements by following the organization on FacebookInstagramTwitter and YouTube. To inquire about testing and evaluation for Binary triggers and other Franklin Armory products, please email


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